
How To Train A Dog To Lie Down

How To Train A Dog To Lie Down

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The most convenient way is to teach the puppy the “Lie down” command after he has mastered the “Sit” command. This command is one of the main ones on which the further training of the dog is based. It is necessary collar, leash, treat, Instructions Step 1 We command "

How To Teach The Command "gimme"

How To Teach The Command "gimme"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Having taught your pet the command "give a paw", you will kill two birds with one stone. First, you will have the opportunity to brag to your acquaintances that you have such an intelligent dog. Secondly, it will be easier for you to inspect the dog's paws in case it hurts them, or when you need to trim the nails or wash the paws after a walk

How To Wean A Cat From Sleeping On The Kitchen Table

How To Wean A Cat From Sleeping On The Kitchen Table

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats are mysterious creatures; even their owners cannot always understand their behavior and actions. If the animal has chosen the kitchen table for sleeping, you need to find out the reason for this behavior and immediately re-educate the pet

Which Lizard Is The Longest

Which Lizard Is The Longest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The largest and longest lizard in the world, the Komodo dragon, looks intimidating. This is probably why she is sometimes called the Komodo dragon. These lizards live in Indonesia and are protected by law. Komodo monitor lizard - dimensions and appearance The giant Indonesian monitor lizard is the largest in the world

How To Transport A Dog In A Car

How To Transport A Dog In A Car

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Any owner of a dog and a car sooner or later faces a situation when it is necessary to transport his pet in a car. Even if your pet is not ready for travel, it will be better with the owner than at home alone. Being in a vehicle can be a challenge for an animal

How To Train A Cat To Say "no"

How To Train A Cat To Say "no"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sometimes our pets start to be naughty. How, without punishing him, to accustom him to the word "no", so much so that he would understand? Do not rush to take up slippers or other "sticks", everything can be solved with "

How To Teach A Dog The Command "to Me"

How To Teach A Dog The Command "to Me"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Team "Come to me" is one of the main teams in dog training. It is used to call an animal to its owner and develops obedience. It is better to start practicing the "Come to me" command from an early age. Instructions Step 1 Dog training is conducted in a secluded area without distractions

How To Train Your Cat To Walk Outside

How To Train Your Cat To Walk Outside

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Although cats are not dogs, they, like all animals, have a craving for fresh air. It is imperative to tame a cat (cat) for walks, because walks in the fresh air have never harmed anyone. The main thing is that the cat is not aggressive and not mad

How To Get A Cat

How To Get A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Before you get a cat, first decide on its breed. Get everything you need for grooming, feeding, and walking in advance. Study information about the breed. Prepare for difficulties, they may arise. Instructions Step 1 Before you get a cat, first coordinate your desire with all the other residents of the apartment

How To Stop A Cat From Fighting

How To Stop A Cat From Fighting

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats sharpen their claws all their lives - this way they get rid of the dead layers of the claw, which cause discomfort. Today, there are many ways to deal with this problem. Instructions Step 1 Claw trimming Trimming your nails will save you 2-3 weeks from the problem

How To Catch A Loach

How To Catch A Loach

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The loach is an unusual and unpretentious fish to habitat, therefore it is quite common in our country. You can meet this fish in ponds, lakes or small rivers, usually heavily overgrown with grassy vegetation. Its body is more like a snake in shape and for most anglers it creates a disgusting impression

How To Teach A Dog To Play

How To Teach A Dog To Play

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For dogs, play is a way of learning about the world, learning life skills and training. While still close to the mother, the puppies in the litter begin to play with each other. When you bring such a baby home, he will be ready to play as soon as he gets comfortable

How To Stop Your Dog From Sleeping On The Bed

How To Stop Your Dog From Sleeping On The Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many dog breeders are faced with the problems of raising and training dogs, and this often leads to undesirable consequences. The main thing is to remember one simple rule: you do not need to pamper the puppy and allow him everything, only allow what will later be allowed for an adult dog

Why Does The Cat Shit In Bed

Why Does The Cat Shit In Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Going to bed, a person hopes to finally relax, throw off the burden of problems that occupied his attention during the day, and rest. But instead of clean sheets, slightly smelling of fabric softener, an unpleasant surprise may await in the bed - the results of the cat's vital functions

How To Raise Livestock

How To Raise Livestock

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For beef cattle breeding to be as intensive as possible, it is necessary to use selection, use the necessary feed for cattle, comply with the requirements for raising animals of beef breeds. Instructions Step 1 When considering raising livestock, start with setting up a barn, keeping the room cool and moderate

What Fleas Look Like In Cats

What Fleas Look Like In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In the summer, fleas are frequent guests even in domestic cats, which cause a lot of problems. Many owners do not even know that these parasites live in a cute fur coat of their pet. But regular examination of the animal and knowledge of the symptoms of a flea infestation makes them easy to spot

How Puppies Get Their Nails Cut

How Puppies Get Their Nails Cut

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When a small puppy appears in the family, the owners have a lot of problems associated with caring for him. And if it is quite simple to deal with food and toilet, then the question of how to cut a puppy's claws is more complicated. It is necessary - Nail clippers, sanding file

How To Wean A Dog From Sleeping In The Same Bed With A Person

How To Wean A Dog From Sleeping In The Same Bed With A Person

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Even the most beloved dog is sometimes annoying and inappropriate. For example, when she crawls into the master's fresh bed and stretches on a soft pillow, leaving dirt and wool on the sheets and pillowcase. It is necessary - foil

How To House Train Your Cat

How To House Train Your Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You are considering moving to a new home. And everything is already ready for departure, it remains to pack your things and happily celebrate the housewarming. But your cat or cat may decide differently and become more than inadequate. How to avoid such problems when adapting a cat to a new home?

How To Teach The FAS Command

How To Teach The FAS Command

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In order for your dog to be able to protect you from attack or aggression from a stranger, teach her the command "fas" by sending it to the training school. After mastering the course, you can rightfully hang a sign on the door of your house:

How To Teach The Command "Fu"

How To Teach The Command "Fu"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In the upbringing of any dog, forbidding commands should be of great importance. Traditionally, in our country, the "Fu" command is used as a prohibiting one. The dog must be introduced to this command when it is a puppy. The more clearly the prohibitive complex of the basic training course, which includes the "

How To Train Your Puppy To Walk Outside

How To Train Your Puppy To Walk Outside

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A puppy appeared in the house. And along with joy came the first problems. One of them is toilet training. How to explain to your pet where he should relieve himself? How to make life together pleasant and comfortable? You need to show patience and consistency

How To Wean A Dog From Bad Habits

How To Wean A Dog From Bad Habits

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dog training is a long and tedious process. You need to constantly monitor her, skillfully punish her and show firmness even when you really want to stroke or play. Indeed, it is thanks to proper training and competent handling that dogs become obedient and disciplined

Dog Training Myths

Dog Training Myths

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Every dog trainer has his own baggage of knowledge. If you contact everyone, then the seeker will be faced with a large number of opinions, beliefs, arguments. Let's take a look at the most common misconceptions that the Internet has given us

How To Wean A Kitten From Gnawing Wires

How To Wean A Kitten From Gnawing Wires

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Playing with electric wires is perhaps one of the most dangerous entertainments for kittens. Unfortunately, many owners have to deal with this problem. How to wean a kitten from gnawing wires? Instructions Step 1 Check the kitten's health

How To Wean A Puppy From Picking Up Everything On The Street

How To Wean A Puppy From Picking Up Everything On The Street

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Weaning your puppy off the ground while walking is one of the first things you should do about your pet. After all, this can have a bad effect not only on his health, but also on the well-being of the whole family. It is necessary - puppy

How To Train A Kitten To Milk

How To Train A Kitten To Milk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Kittens are very dependent creatures. They need to be taught where to sleep, where you can and cannot go to the toilet, and sometimes you even have to learn how to drink milk. If your kitten doesn't know how to do this on his own, help him learn

How To Wash A Toy Terrier

How To Wash A Toy Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Bathing is not the most important procedure in the life of a toy terrier. It is enough to wash these little funny dogs only once every six months. But this must be done very carefully so as not to harm the pet. It is necessary - 2 small plastic bottles

Six Professions That Have Obeyed The Dogs

Six Professions That Have Obeyed The Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dogs are not just smart animals. For people, they are wonderful helpers, reliable partners and true friends. Dogs successfully realize themselves in a wide variety of professions. We will look at just a few of them. 1. Firefighters Today, Dalmatians are the mascots of the American fire brigade

How To Pick Up A Hamster

How To Pick Up A Hamster

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You have a new pet at home - a hamster. This cute and cheerful creature, over time, the hamster can become your friend. But the trust of the little animal must be achieved gradually, resist the desire to immediately grab it and cuddle it - it can get scared and even bite

How To Teach Your Dog To Walk

How To Teach Your Dog To Walk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You have a puppy at home. And immediately the question arises of how to teach a baby to do his wet and other "affairs" during a walk, and not in an apartment. This is not difficult to do. It is necessary, however, to show attention, perseverance and patience

Taking Care Of A Found Puppy

Taking Care Of A Found Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It so happened that a new inhabitant has appeared in your house - a little doggie. Funny and funny, from the first days he trustingly rubs against your leg, bites your hand slightly if he demands something, and hilariously plays with the children

How To Punish A Pet

How To Punish A Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many people living in modern cities have a cat, dog or more exotic animals, considering them cute tame pets. But in order for the pet to obey, to be affectionate, not to spoil the furniture, it needs to be educated. And the upbringing process also implies punishment for offenses

Transportation Of Dogs In The Car

Transportation Of Dogs In The Car

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Despite the fact that the dog was the first animal tamed by man, even the most loyal and obedient dogs can cause a lot of trouble for the owner during a trip in a car. There are no specific laws on the transportation of animals in a car, in the traffic rules they are referred to as "

How To Work With A Dog

How To Work With A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Working with the dog makes it more disciplined, which is especially important for large pets, which can cause serious harm to people around them. In addition, as a result of training, a close connection is established between the dog and the person, the pet forever remembers who is the owner in the house, and becomes not only a friend, but also a protector to its owner

Cat Behavior And External Factors

Cat Behavior And External Factors

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Usually, the owners very quickly get used to the fact that their beloved kitty is obedient and calm. But as soon as there are changes in the family, to come to the guests or to weaken the attention, the animal immediately behaves atypically

Education And Training Of Cats

Education And Training Of Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Taking a cat into our house, we hope that it will brighten up our life, but sometimes unexpected and very unpleasant surprises begin. Behavioral surprises in cats can occur for two reasons: the cat is sick, or she and her owner have different outlooks on life

Pets. Selection Rules

Pets. Selection Rules

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sooner or later, before every parent, and not only, the question arises: you need the best favorite pet. But who will become? This is a really serious question. The further happy, or not too much, coexistence of all family members under one roof depends on this choice - after all, a pet will inevitably take a strong place in the family of one of them

How To Raise A Pet

How To Raise A Pet

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The appearance of a small pet in the house is always a joyful event, accompanied by an endless stream of positive emotions. From the moment the baby appears in your life, you become his master and parent in one person. It is from you that he expects help in mastering this world

How To Help Pets Cope With The Heat

How To Help Pets Cope With The Heat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Summer heat is hard not only for people, but also for our pets. Pets, as well as people, have a very hard time in the heat. To help avoid health problems for our smaller brothers in hot weather, consider the following tips: Instructions Step 1 Be carefull: