Sooner or later, before every parent, and not only, the question arises: you need the best favorite pet. But who will become?

This is a really serious question. The further happy, or not too much, coexistence of all family members under one roof depends on this choice - after all, a pet will inevitably take a strong place in the family of one of them. And each animal, large or small, has its own specific lifestyle and habits.
One of the most common consequences of selection bias is the myriad of stray, stray cats and dogs. The second most widespread and significant consequence is rather deep emotional upheaval, irritability and discontent, in a word, emotional discomfort. Most often, children and women are susceptible to this consequence.
To avoid these extremely unpleasant situations, let's try to figure it out and understand what kind of pet will be optimal for the family and at home.
Step # 1. Discuss with your family members - whom would they like to see in the house?
Every person, be it an adult or a child, has their own addictions. But you only need to choose one candidate.
Someone likes aquarium fish, someone - decorative birds, someone - a fluffy hamster or a cat, and maybe a dog with a horse. There are a huge number of options.
After everyone has come to a consensus, you can move on.

Step # 2. Breed selection
Yes, it’s the breed. The concept of "breed" applies to almost all domesticated animals, with the possible exception of birds and fish. They are divided into types.
Every breed has its own standard. There is a lot of information on breed standards (that is, a description indicating external data, colors and other exterior characteristics) in the modern world. This is, first of all, the Internet, then - encyclopedias and reference books on paper, and, of course, reviews of friends, acquaintances, etc.
Be sure to read this information. In those sources where the breed standard is described, there is always also information about what the animal's lifestyle is, how to feed it and how to keep it.
We should also dwell on the choice of the dog breed. This is really tricky.
A lot of people have at home, in their apartment, dogs that are not suitable for housing breeds, for example, hunting, simply because they like this breed very much! Moreover, such dog owners do not even suspect that it is vitally important for such dogs to hunt. In addition to hunting, such dogs also need to lead a very active lifestyle - at least for a long time and a lot. But in fact - they are forced to live the life of a "cushion" and be "mother's joy". The consequence of such a "sweet" life is a bunch of diseases and a shorter life span for the dog, as well as nervous stress for the owners.

Step # 3 Calculate in advance the cost of maintenance, including feeding and veterinary services
Well, the choice is made. It remains to reduce the "debit with credit".
Any responsible person tries to plan their budget. Intending to have another newly-made member of the family in the house, be sure to calculate how much its maintenance will cost. This item includes feeding, providing various additional "snacks" - vitamin supplements. delicacies, necessary care items, and, of course, veterinary care.
Sometimes, the last sub-item - veterinary care - turns out to be the most expensive. Therefore, it would be a good idea to talk to a competent veterinarian about it before purchasing a pet. Surely such a dialogue will be extremely informative for you.

Well, when all the decisions are made and doubts are over, it remains only to wish you good luck in your choice and congratulate you on the appearance of a new household member in the family!