Six Professions That Have Obeyed The Dogs

Six Professions That Have Obeyed The Dogs
Six Professions That Have Obeyed The Dogs

Dogs are not just smart animals. For people, they are wonderful helpers, reliable partners and true friends. Dogs successfully realize themselves in a wide variety of professions. We will look at just a few of them.

Six professions that have obeyed the dogs
Six professions that have obeyed the dogs

1. Firefighters

Today, Dalmatians are the mascots of the American fire brigade. But until the 19th century, when horses were used to extinguish the flames, these heroic dogs accompanied fire brigades. They ran in front of the fire escape to clear a path and bring the horses to the site of the fire. The famous Dalmatian Bessie even had a helmet and a special badge indicating her belonging to the fire brigade.

2. Guides

Specially trained dogs are able to become for the blind with different eyes and even more - a guide to the outside world! They lead their owners along the crowded city streets, help to avoid obstacles, and even prevent them from getting lost, because they remember the way home perfectly. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers and Collies are ideal for these purposes.

3. Shepherds

Since the beginning of the development of cattle breeding, dogs have been indispensable helpers of man. They not only helped to graze the herd, but also protected them from the attacks of predators. The best shepherds are all types of shepherds, alabai, bobtail, rottweiler and collie.

4. Hunters

Dogs are loyal friends for every hunter. However, you won't be able to go hunting with your beloved lapdog - for this you need a dog of one of the hunting breeds. In particular, it is better to go with a hare and a fox with hounds and greyhounds, with fur-bearing animals with dachshunds, and a husky is useful to catch a moose, wild boar or bear.

5. Guards

Dogs have a very strong guarding instinct, so they have been guarding settlements for a long time. Today, dogs guard not only homes, but also businesses, factories, warehouses and other real estate. The guard dog does not allow strangers and does not allow himself to be stroked. And if someone else comes too close - with a grin and a threatening appearance, he stops unwanted actions. The Caucasian and German Shepherds, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Doberman are better at this task.

6. Investigators

Of course, dogs are very talented investigators. They can find drugs and detain the criminal, as well as prevent the tragedy by finding explosives in time …
