Yorkshire Terriers or Yorkies are small dogs with a lot of personal charm. And they know how to use their charm to get a slice of something delicious. However, not everything you want to pamper your dog with will benefit her. So safe and even healthy for humans, grapes are poison for Yorkies.

Can i give grapes to dogs?
Grapes, like raisins, are toxic to dogs of any breed, gender, and age. Having treated to grapes, the dog can get serious kidney damage, sudden acute renal failure, complicated by anuria. At the same time, the mechanism of action, like the toxic substance that causes such a reaction, has not yet been established by scientists. The agent is believed to be toxic to dogs in the pulp of the fruit, so that the seedless peeled grapes remain equally toxic. It is also unclear why some dogs can still eat several berries without visible consequences for themselves, others will get off with mild vomiting, while others will suffer much more and may even fall into a coma and die. And all this can also happen to the same dog, just in different periods of life. There is no reason to believe that if once your pet's acquaintance with the berry ended well, then the next time it will not suffer. Especially if we are talking about Yorkies, dogs initially prone to problems with the bladder.
Symptoms of grape poisoning in dogs
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- loss of appetite;
- weakness;
- decreased activity up to lethargy;
- dehydration;
- oliguria (decrease in the amount of urine excreted);
- anuria (complete cessation of urine output);
- ulceration in the mouth;
- convulsions;
- coma.
If your dog has these symptoms and you are unsure if he has eaten grapes, look at the contents of his feces or vomit. You may find undigested fruit pieces, grape seeds, or skins in them.
Ambulance for a dog poisoned by grapes
If you are certain that your dog has been poisoned by grapes or raisins within the past two hours, you should immediately vomit before all the toxins are absorbed. To do this, take 1 milliliter of 3% hydrogen peroxide for every pound of your dog's weight and inject it into your mouth through a plastic syringe without a needle. That is, for a Yorkie weighing 2 kg, you should take a syringe with 4 milliliters of peroxide. If the dog does not vomit within 15 minutes, repeat the procedure using the same amount of peroxide. If this does not provoke vomiting, the procedure should not be repeated.
If the dog has already vomited before, do not induce vomiting. Also, it is not necessary to provoke vomiting if the dog is unconscious, it has difficulty breathing, the dog has signs of shock.
Regardless of whether you performed this procedure or not, your task is to deliver the dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible. In the veterinary clinic, the dog will not only wash the stomach, but will also begin therapy that supports kidney function and helps to remove the toxin from the blood. In some cases, hemodialysis may be required.
To prevent such dire consequences, do not give grapes to Yorkies or dogs of other breeds. Keep fruit out of your dog's reach. Warn your family members and acquaintances who come into your home about the toxicity of this food.