Cat Behavior And External Factors

Cat Behavior And External Factors
Cat Behavior And External Factors

Usually, the owners very quickly get used to the fact that their beloved kitty is obedient and calm. But as soon as there are changes in the family, to come to the guests or to weaken the attention, the animal immediately behaves atypically. What is causing this change?

Cat behavior and external factors
Cat behavior and external factors

It happens that some global changes take place in the family: a change in the composition of the family, the death of one of its members, a change of residence, the acquisition of another of the pets, and others. In such stressful situations, the cat can behave in a very unusual way. She can be in a state of lethargy or excitement, start to shit anywhere, not allow herself to be stroked, or stop eating. Then the cat owners start looking for the reason for this behavior.

It is necessary to properly understand the psychology of the cat itself. It is important to know that an animal adapted to humans behaves confidently and calmly, even if there are big changes in its life. If your cat is accustomed to constant visits from guests, often communicates with animals, you can take it with you to the dacha. Remember that the most important thing is education!

The most important thing is to introduce all sorts of innovations calmly and dosed so that the cat has time to get used to it a little. For example, if guests come, do not let them grab the cat, let her first get used to the guests and think for herself whether she should approach the guests and get to know them. It will be great if strangers to her brought cat toys with them or invite her to indulge in their own toys. If it's time to feed your cat, you can invite your guests to feed it and not crowd while it eats.

Sometimes we are completely unable to explain the behavior of a cat. For example, why does a cat rush around the apartment early and early in the morning and wake up everyone living in the house.

Understanding the psychology of a cat will help predict its behavior. For example, many animals draw attention to themselves by such behavior. Cats understand that if they do something wrong, they will attract the attention of the owner. But, if you pay more attention to the cat, it will behave more calmly.
