Constipation in cats is a fairly common occurrence, which is associated with improper diet, insufficient fluid or swallowing hair. Sometimes a difficult bowel movement may indicate a serious medical condition. If this problem occurs in a pet, immediate treatment should be started.

Causes of constipation in cats

One of the main causes of constipation in cats is the accumulation of hairballs in the intestines or stomach, which makes it difficult to defecate. In some cases, surgery may even be required. This problem can be solved by regularly combing the coat. To remove wool from the intestines, special preparations are used, which are sold in pet stores.
To avoid complications, you should seek the help of a veterinarian who will help identify the cause of constipation and prescribe the correct treatment.
Dysbacteriosis and unhealthy diet are the next common causes of constipation in our younger brothers. This is due to the use of dry or low-quality feed, systematic overfeeding. It may be difficult to defecate if foreign bodies enter the intestines. For this, cleaning phytomins are used, sold in pet stores.
If there are a large number of worms in the cat's body, they can close the entire intestine, thereby causing constipation. It is not recommended to give antihelminthic medications until you have relieved the cat from constipation. Otherwise, the parasites will die and begin to decompose in the intestines, and this will lead to poisoning of the body.
Constipation in cats can be caused by tumors in the anus or intestines, trauma to the abdomen, edema, or bruising.
Treatment of constipation in cats

Most often, for the treatment of constipation, agents are used that contribute to the softening of feces (vaseline oil, Dyufalak, Lizalak, Laktusan). Start adding a small amount of vegetable oil to your cat food. Food should be thin, contain cereals, vegetables. Reduce the portion size for a while, include milk in the pet's diet. Eating protein foods, overeating lead to constipation.
Give your cat 1.5 milliliters per kilogram of body weight by mouth (two to three times a day) daily until the stool is normal. You can increase the dose if necessary. Vaseline oil envelops the intestinal walls well, softens feces, and prevents constipation in cats. It is absolutely harmless to the animal's body, the oil is not absorbed into the intestines.
The drug "Duphalac" should be given to the pet twice a day, 0.5 milliliters per kilogram of the cat's weight. Its effect is somewhat similar to petroleum jelly, so you do not need to use several products at the same time. The safest laxatives for health are lactulose-based. Other drugs should only be used after consulting a veterinarian.