How To Train Your Cat To Walk Outside

How To Train Your Cat To Walk Outside
How To Train Your Cat To Walk Outside

Although cats are not dogs, they, like all animals, have a craving for fresh air. It is imperative to tame a cat (cat) for walks, because walks in the fresh air have never harmed anyone. The main thing is that the cat is not aggressive and not mad. Otherwise, you can forget about walking in the fresh air.

The harness will not allow the cat to get into trouble
The harness will not allow the cat to get into trouble

Benefit - and more

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Both people and animals need walks in the fresh air. There is no need to think if cats are purely domestic creatures, then they like to sit within four walls all their lives. This is not true. They also want fresh air from time to time. Any foray into the street will be useful for a cat or a cat, since they are very curious animals.

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Of course, the easiest way will be to teach little kittens to walk and harness - it is easiest for them to adapt to their new environment. Adaptation for kittens is a real game! Adult cats and cats, of course, can also be taught to walk, but you should be patient.

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How to train cats to walk?

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Harness. First of all, you need to purchase a special cat leash - a harness. This is a kind of strap that clasps the cat in the area of the shoulder blades, which fastens on the belly of the animal. The harness will reduce the risk during walks: the cat will not get lost and will not fall under the car. In general, harnesses are used for walking expensive and thoroughbred cats (and cats), as well as when moving, when going to a veterinary clinic, while traveling in transport. You need to put on a harness on a cat at home. This will allow him to get used to it in advance.

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If preference was given not to a harness, but to an ordinary cat collar, then a small token must be attached to it. It should be engraved with the coordinates of the owners of the animal. In addition, such a collar on a cat is indisputable proof that this animal is a pet. It is believed that collars are generally not suitable for cats, since their neck is more delicate than that of dogs, which means that it can be easily damaged.

First walk. The very first walk in the life of a pet cat (cat) should take place in a quiet and peaceful place. It's good if there are other household members there, to which the cat is already accustomed: this will bring him more confidence. If a quiet place is far from home, then it is recommended to carry the cat to him in your arms. As soon as the place of walking has been chosen, the cat must be put on the ground, cuddled and wait until he starts some movement on his own.

You should not pull the cat on the harness with you! Having experienced such unpleasant emotions once, the cat will begin to feel fear of his walks. It is worth noting that cats are exploring unknown places for a long time. The normal reaction of a cat to the first walk may be this: the cat will simply sit on the ground and begin to visually study the new surrounding area. Sometimes cats and cats begin to slowly sniff everything that is near them.

Do not forget that cats, unlike dogs, can "lose" their owner at a fairly short distance. Therefore, it is not recommended to move far away from your cat, especially during his first walk. The following rule works here: unlike dogs, it is not a cat that follows a person, but he follows her!

Attention! Before a walk, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures - vaccinations and worming. One more nuance: the vast majority of domestic cats can be tamed for walking.
