Cockatoo is one of those species of parrots that thrive in captivity and can make great companions. These birds are smart enough, able to "dance" to music, perform repeatedly heard melodies, and also imitate human speech (usually 10-15 words and phrases). The cockatoo diet should contain a grain mixture, sprouted seeds, fresh food (vegetables and fruits) every day. Such a menu is able to fully provide all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements necessary for the bird.

Step 1
Proper nutrition is of great importance for the well-being and longevity of a cockatoo. The diet should be balanced and varied. Many parrot owners are convinced that modern factory-made grain feeds are able to fully satisfy the poultry's need for nutrients. In fact, this is not the case. During the warmer months, the grain mixture on the cockatoo menu should be about 50 percent. 25 percent should be allocated to sprouted grains and the same amount to vegetables and fruits. In winter, sprouted feed in the diet should be up to 40 percent, fresh fruits and vegetables - up to 15 percent, grain - up to 35 percent.

Step 2
Grain mixes should always be available in the parrot's home. Typically, the box contains various varieties of millet (white, red, black, and others), buckwheat, oats, hemp, corn, canary seed, and sunflower seeds.

Step 3
For germination, you can buy wheat or oats from poultry markets. However, you need to be sure that the grains are not sprayed with chemicals or stored for too long. If it is not possible to make sure of this, buy special feed for germination at pet stores. As a last resort, the base grain mixture can also be germinated. The sprouted feed contains vitamins B and E, which facilitate the molting process and generally have a beneficial effect on the cockatoo's body.

Step 4
There are two ways to germinate feed. You can soak the required amount of beans in a plate of water and leave in a warm place. After 24-36 hours, the grains will hatch, and tiny white sprouts will become visible. Before pouring such feed into the trough, it should be thoroughly rinsed. The second way is faster. The grains washed under running water should be poured into a jar, filled with water (2/3 of the volume of the jar) and the compressor hose for aquarium fish should be lowered there. After the compressor is connected to the network, the water will begin to be saturated with oxygen. In this way, the grains germinate within 6-8 hours and do not sour.

Step 5
Cockatoo is very fond of nuts, but it is recommended to give them as a delicacy and in very limited quantities. The fact is that there are a lot of fats in nuts, which are poorly absorbed by parrots. An excess of nuts and sunflower seeds in the diet can lead to obesity and early death of the bird. Bird watchers recommend pampering cockatoos with hazelnuts and uncooked peanuts.

Step 6
Green food should be an obligatory item in the diet of a cockatoo. In spring and summer, dandelions, nettles, plantains, starweed, clover, and willow can be harvested in forests and groves away from roads. Once a week (in winter), you can offer the bird a dozen or two pine or spruce needles. They are high in fiber, essential oils and vitamin C, but should not be overused. It is highly discouraged to give parrots parsley, celery, cilantro and dill, despite the fact that birds usually like the taste of these plants.
Step 7
In the diet of cockatoo fruits and vegetables should be daily. It is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and minerals. In summer, opt for fruits and vegetables in your area. Birds can be given strawberries, apples, grapes, bananas, apricots, peaches, rose hips, gooseberries, currants, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, pea pods, beets. Pits from cherries, peaches and other fruits must be removed in advance, as they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to birds. If you are giving citrus fruits to cockatoos, be sure to peel them off, which are high in nitrates and chemicals.
Step 8
Animal feeds are optional. If given too often, birds can develop serious liver disease. The most affordable animal food for parrots is a boiled chicken egg. It can be given no more than half of it once a week. If the cockatoo is not accustomed to this type of food, you can grate the egg and mix with grated carrots, beets or an apple.