The loach is an unusual and unpretentious fish to habitat, therefore it is quite common in our country. You can meet this fish in ponds, lakes or small rivers, usually heavily overgrown with grassy vegetation. Its body is more like a snake in shape and for most anglers it creates a disgusting impression. However, in cooking, loach is unusually tasty.

It is necessary
- - rod;
- - fishing line;
- - sinker;
- - hook;
- - nozzle.
Step 1
Loaches are most often caught with a float rod during the warm season, both during the day and at night (but much less often). The bite revives after sunset and before dark. Before you start fishing, you need to clear the place of your choice from silt and algae.

Step 2
Use the lightest rod possible, preferably made of bamboo. The float should be almost invisible and small - cork, circular, feather. Choose a green line, its diameter should be 0.2-0.25 mm. The sinker is no larger than the fourth number, that is, about the size of a pellet. Hook No. 4-7 is selected depending on the size of the fish.

Step 3
The best baits at all seasons are insect larvae - bark beetle, caddis flies and maggot. In summer, you can catch a loach on a mayfly or a small grasshopper. The earthworm and bread nozzle also work well.
Step 4
It is best to catch a loach from a boat - the whole technique consists in tossing the nozzle to the water thickets, followed by a slow wiring. The fisherman lowers the nozzle over the side of the boat and lets it float with the flow along the entire length of the loose line, while controlling the bait with a rod. If during this time not a single bite followed, pull the nozzle back to the boat and start it again with the flow.
Step 5
During a bite, the float begins to shake, then completely immersed in the water, then leaving to the side. This fish is hooked quite well and, when removed from the hook, emits a characteristic squeak. It is advisable to hook it after a few jerks of the float.