Why Do Shih Tzu Have Watery Eyes

Why Do Shih Tzu Have Watery Eyes
Why Do Shih Tzu Have Watery Eyes

Shih Tzu Buddha's favorites have a playful, cheerful disposition. Therefore, inexperienced puppy owners worry when they see that their pet is crying. Dogs do not express emotions with tears, for this they have a tail. Then why do Shih Tzu have watery eyes?

Favorite dog of the Buddha was the Shih Tzu breed
Favorite dog of the Buddha was the Shih Tzu breed

No need to worry

Periodic colorless discharge is a natural defense of the organ of vision. When the tears are not too intense, do not run down the cheeks and do not bother the dog, then the owner does not need to worry.

If tearing is observed during estrus or after childbirth in a bitch, as well as during teething in puppies, it will soon go away on its own. The care of the owner will help the dog to survive this difficult period.

Improper care or allergies

Tearing can be caused by one or several reasons at once:

  • sweet, flour, fatty in the diet;
  • dust;
  • chemical substances;
  • smoke from a cigarette or fire.

Do wet cleaning at home, ventilate the room. Use non-allergenic cleaners. Wash and boil dog diapers and bedding regularly. Do not smoke, do not spray perfume, deodorant, aerosol next to the dog. If all these rules are followed, the symptoms of eye fluidity will soon disappear.

If tearing is caused by an allergy, remove the source from your pet's food or environment. Incorrectly selected feed is the most likely cause. Replace the one you are feeding with another, better hypoallergenic. Possible allergy to shampoo, pollen, in this case, change the detergent or place of walking. After elimination of the allergen, lacrimation will stop within three weeks.

Irritating hairs

A slight tearing is caused by improperly growing eyelashes, touching the shell of the eyeball. Usually, a grown dog's cilia cease to irritate, as the muzzle is stretched.

Long hair and bangs, getting into the eyes, create inconvenience. To keep the coat soft, clean it is necessary to regularly bathe, comb the pet, and carry out grooming. It is recommended to pin or trim the bangs.

The puppy may be bothered by an ingrown eyelash, in which case it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic. The doctor will remove the hair under local anesthesia. The eyelashes will grow back in 2-4 weeks, but the depilation will allow you to evaluate the effect that the dog will have with getting rid of the hair. You can remove the follicle, such an operation will solve the problem for six months or longer.

Hygiene procedures

From puppyhood, the owner needs to accustom the Shih Tzu to hygiene and eye care. Inspect the peephole every morning and after a walk. If the eye is not watery, clean, of a normal color, then it is healthy, there is no need to disturb it.

Remove mucus in the corners of the eyes with a cotton pad moistened with chilled boiled or distilled water. It should be cleaned from the outer corner of the eye to the nose.

Remove thicker discharge with gauze soaked in saline, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, plantain or furacilin. Do the rinsing several times a day until the inflammation subsides.

Some wearers wash the eyelids with tea leaves, but some doctors believe that tannins irritate the membrane, and because of this, inflammation can only intensify, in addition, the tea leaves dry the cornea.

Complement the treatment by instilling any disinfectant eye drops. Tetracycline ointment cures eye inflammation in Shih Tzu well, it must be applied 3 times a day for a week.

Clean deep creases under the inner corner of the eye as needed. Use a short, fine-toothed comb to remove the dog's coat. With boron powder, use a soft toothbrush to brush out any wrinkles and remove the resulting mixture.

Prevention measures

For prophylaxis, bury at least once a day "Diamond Eyes", "Bars", "PhytoElita" or "Rosinka" lotion. If you drip the drops before bathing, it will protect your eyes from getting shampoo. And after removing the speck, the drops will reduce the risk of inflammation of the cornea. You should not get carried away with these drugs, otherwise your eyes will water constantly.

To reduce the risk of injury and corneal contamination, do not walk with your pet on dusty streets or paths. If you find scratches on the cornea, drip "Levomycetin", "Tsiprovet" and consult a doctor. A neglected damage can lead to the formation of a sore or more serious illness.

Diseases accompanied by lacrimation

It is rare, but it still happens that the eyes flow due to the presence of a genetic disease. You can find out the presence of hereditary diseases from the breeder when purchasing a puppy.

If the discharge from the eyes is abundant (gray, green, yellow), accompanied by lethargy, fever, scabies, lack of appetite, sneezing, last more than two days - show your pet to the doctor. It is possible that lacrimation is a side symptom of a more serious disease. In most cases, the puppy will heal quickly if you see your veterinarian in time.

Take care of your pets.
