How And Why You Should Clean Your Dog's Ears

How And Why You Should Clean Your Dog's Ears
How And Why You Should Clean Your Dog's Ears

How we would like our four-legged pets to be always cheerful, joyful and healthy. And ears for a dog are the most important organ, because hearing is the main thing for it. The hygiene of your pet's ears should be given special attention.

How and why you should clean your dog's ears
How and why you should clean your dog's ears

We clean our ears

From time to time it is necessary to check the condition of the dog's ears. Sulfur secretions are deposited in them, dust sticks to them, as a result, the ear becomes dirty. This is especially true in dogs with hanging ears.

It is very important not to scare the animal or hurt him during this procedure. In what position the dog will be during cleaning, it does not matter, as long as it and the owner are comfortable. The easiest way is to plant the dog so that its muzzle lies on your lap.

The owner's gentle voice, stroking will calm the dog, and she will not resist this, not too pleasant, procedure.

At the end of the cleaning, it is imperative to praise the dog, give a treat.

The better to clean your ears

Hydrogen peroxide (and even more so vinegar) should not be used to clean dog ears, as the delicate skin of the ears can be burned. It is best to use a special lotion that can be easily purchased at any pet store.

Apply a small amount of lotion to a cotton pad, and gently wipe the inside of the ear, not going too deep into the ear canal. After that, you need to massage the dog's ears and wait until the sulfur and dirt soften. Then remove the dirt completely with a special ear cleaning cloth (they are also available at the pet store).

Ear cleaning should be done as soon as it gets dirty, but not too often. A small amount of sulfur and sebum is necessary, do not scrub the pinna daily.

Otodectosis in dogs

If your dog often shakes his head and violently scratches his ear, combing it until it bleeds, you should never ignore these obvious symptoms of otodectosis, an infection with an ear mite that causes itching.

It is necessary to show the dog to the veterinarian in order to make an accurate diagnosis. It is impossible to postpone treatment, neglected otodectosis can cause serious complications, up to the death of the animal.

Before using the medication prescribed by the doctor, you must again rinse the auricle with lotion, remove all the dirt from the ear, and only then drip the required amount of medication.

Do not let go of the dog immediately after the procedure, it will immediately shake itself and all the medicine will fly away. Hold the pet for a while, massage his ears so that the drug is well absorbed.

Usually, it is enough to drip the medicine once to kill the pathogen, but, unfortunately, not all drugs act on the eggs of ear mites, so after about a week, when new mites hatch, the procedure must be repeated in the same sequence.
