
How To Walk Your Dog Properly

How To Walk Your Dog Properly

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Walking your dog helps you build the right relationship with your pet and shed those extra pounds. Following simple rules will make this walk even more enjoyable - both for you and for those around you. A memo for those who have a dog for the first time and discover a new world of daily walks

How To Choose Good Cat Toys

How To Choose Good Cat Toys

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Even the most affectionate cats remain predators with hunting instincts. To prevent them from taking out their brutal habits on your belongings, buy toys for cats. Instructions Step 1 Toys must be safe. This means that fragile and sharp objects are not suitable for feline play

How To Instill A Love Of Learning In Puppies

How To Instill A Love Of Learning In Puppies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

You have dreamed of a best friend for a long time and decided to take a puppy. It doesn't matter which breed you choose, but no one will like a dog that attacks people, runs under a car, barks for no reason and ruins things in the house. The little furry friend will always delight you if you start teaching him good behavior in time

How To Remove Body Odor From Dogs

How To Remove Body Odor From Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If, being around your dog, you start to wrinkle his nose, then perhaps he just needs to be washed well. Put him in a bath of warm water and lather with animal shampoo as you should. Start with the muzzle and nose, then move on to the body. Then rinse it thoroughly and repeat everything

How To Place A Dog In A Competition

How To Place A Dog In A Competition

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

By purchasing a purebred dog, many owners expect to present it for participation in competitions and exhibitions in the future. The awards received on them are the best proof that the exterior of the pet meets the breed standards. But in order for the dog to be able to demonstrate its exterior, it is necessary to prepare it for participation in such competitions

What Should Be The Correct Education Of A Puppy

What Should Be The Correct Education Of A Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

So you've got a puppy. And it doesn't matter if you bought it for yourself or if you finally succumbed to the requests of your beloved child. In any case, you cannot stay away from the initial training of the dog. For what your pet will become in the future directly depends on the norms of behavior imparted to him in puppyhood

How To Make Sure That Your Pet Gets The Right Care In The Absence Of Its Owners

How To Make Sure That Your Pet Gets The Right Care In The Absence Of Its Owners

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

No matter how independent your cat or dog looks, they do not like being alone. The animal may begin to have strange behavior, trouble with the digestive tract, many begin to spoil furniture, furnishings. If the owner needs to leave for a while, care for the animal should be provided for this time and make sure that the pet does not get bored

Why Do People Give Cats Away?

Why Do People Give Cats Away?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

There are many known reasons why people want to have a cat or cat. Unfortunately, there are also many factors under the influence of which pets are looking for a new home. There are a variety of reasons why people give up their cats. Health problems Quite often, people are forced to give up a cat or cat due to sudden health problems

How To Feed And Care For Pregnant Dogs

How To Feed And Care For Pregnant Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breeding purebred dogs is not a cheap pleasure. Here are some tips on how to properly feed and maintain pregnant dogs of small breeds. Instructions Step 1 The most important thing is that the dog is in a calm state and not undergo any worries

Beginner Dog Breeders: 7 Main Rules Of Dog Care

Beginner Dog Breeders: 7 Main Rules Of Dog Care

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The first time a puppy is in your home, life will change for the two of you. The puppy will find itself in a world of new sensations, smells and sounds. And you will have to follow the basic rules for a comfortable and healthy life for your new friend

How To Raise A Polite Cat

How To Raise A Polite Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A cat is an independent, freedom-loving, proud and independent animal. With the right approach to education, a pet can become an affectionate friend for the soul. With the appearance of any animal in the house, the lifestyle of all household members changes, with the arrival of a cat, life changes dramatically

How To Scratch Wool

How To Scratch Wool

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When purchasing pets, people often have no idea how to properly care for them, and what is required for this. If the choice of food for a cat is quite easy to figure out, then not everyone knows how to scratch their hair. Instructions Step 1 Different animals have hair of different lengths and qualities, and each breed of pets requires not only a certain frequency of combing the hair, but also a special comb or brush

How To Weigh A Dog

How To Weigh A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you care about the health and nutrition of your four-legged pet, you should always know how much it weighs. This is necessary not only in order to control his weight and keep the dog in good physical shape. In case of illness, you will have to give the dog medications, the doses of many of them are calculated taking into account his weight

How To Protect A Pet In The Country

How To Protect A Pet In The Country

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Your cat loves the summer season as much as you do! She really likes to walk between the currant bushes, look into the well and dig dill beds … But just like a person, any animal needs special conditions to make its stay in nature safe and comfortable

How To Braid A Mane

How To Braid A Mane

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the prerequisites for maintaining a beautiful appearance of a horse is taking care of its mane. The mane needs to be regularly washed, combed, styled … But to make it especially elegant, you can braid it in braids. Instructions Step 1 Use small rubber bands, a few yarn laces, a crochet hook, scissors, styling product, or gel

How To Bathe A Fluffy Cat

How To Bathe A Fluffy Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The long-haired cat's luxurious coat looks great - but only if it is immaculately clean. Food leftovers, street dirt, fine litter can ruin your pet's appearance and even affect her health. You can tidy up your cat's coat with frequent brushing and periodic washing

How To Protect Your Dog From Parasites

How To Protect Your Dog From Parasites

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fleas are a nightmare for dog owners. After all, they not only cause inconvenience to the animal. If your pet has caught fleas, immediately take steps to get rid of them. And henceforth, try not to allow their reappearance. To do this, you need to know how you can protect your dog from parasites

How To Care For An Adult Cat

How To Care For An Adult Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If your cat has been "knocked" for more than 10 years, then she, most likely, has already entered the age of maturity, and special care is needed. Grandmother cats have a complex character and, often, a whole bunch of diseases. Older cats usually take short breaks while playing

Why Does A Cat Need A Second Eyelid

Why Does A Cat Need A Second Eyelid

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The structure of a cat's eyes has its own characteristics. All breeders of these wayward and proud animals need to know the peculiarities of the life of cats and the rules of caring for them. The most unprotected feline organ is the eye, so taking care of your cat's eyes should be special

How To Make A Dog A Champion

How To Make A Dog A Champion

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For some dog lover, a lazy shaggy friend who loves to lie on the couch or chase neighbor cats is quite enough. But for some, this is not enough. Such owners want to see their four-legged friend not on the sofa, but on a pedestal. However, raising a champion dog is not easy

How To Calm A Horse

How To Calm A Horse

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Stressful situations for horses are not uncommon; it can be quite difficult to calm them down. However, there are several techniques that can help him cope with stress in an unfamiliar situation or environment. Instructions Step 1 The main thing that you need to pay attention to is the horse's attitude to you personally

How To Cut A Horse

How To Cut A Horse

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The grace and grace of horses has been admired by many generations of people. Today in various parks you can see the most beautiful representatives of these animals. But horses require grooming, including a haircut. How should a horse be cut correctly?

How To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Country

How To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Country

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Summer. The summer season is in full swing. Most summer residents take their favorite pets with them to their gardens, while not thinking that a dog in the garden can face a variety of dangers. But you should not be afraid, because it is not so difficult to protect the dog

Important Points Of Keeping A Cat In The House

Important Points Of Keeping A Cat In The House

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

What kind of owner does not dream of a healthy, beautiful and affectionate pet? The path of becoming an animal is full of interesting, and sometimes ambiguous and difficult tasks and relationships between a cat and a person. There are always pitfalls that need to be avoided with minimal losses

Show Dogs - Growing Up For The Sake Of Victory

Show Dogs - Growing Up For The Sake Of Victory

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many dog lovers dream of having a high-quality pet with a lot of awards in their arsenal. It is not enough to raise such an animal, you need to take into account many factors before it will be among the winners of a regional or international exhibition

How To Train A Puppy To Sit Command

How To Train A Puppy To Sit Command

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the most popular and simplest commands is Sit. Its unquestioning fulfillment by the dog will be very convenient in various life situations. It is necessary collar, delicacy Instructions Step 1 Before training, the puppy should be walked, but not tired

How To Care For A Persian Cat

How To Care For A Persian Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Persian cats are gaining more and more popularity among pet lovers. Cats of this breed have unique physical characteristics and require special care for themselves. At the same time, it will not be difficult for a responsible and loving owner to take care of her

How To Wash Your Dog

How To Wash Your Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dog owners know that a pet needs bathing from time to time. On average, it is recommended to bathe your dog at least once every one or two months. In addition, it is advisable to wash or at least wipe your pet's paws after each walk. The water for washing the paws should be warm, but not hot, and after the paws are washed, they should be thoroughly dried with a towel or a soft cloth

How To Raise The Perfect Dog

How To Raise The Perfect Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

So, a small barking ball of wool has appeared in your house. It does not yet have powerful paws or strong jaws, but the foundations of behavior are already beginning to be laid. Therefore, if at an early age, let the upbringing of a puppy take its course, further life with a dog will turn into hell

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog

How Often Should You Wash Your Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Among the dogs there are those that love water procedures, as well as animals that do not like water. But they both need a bath from time to time. This can be paw washing after a walk or a thorough wash with shampoo and conditioner - it all depends on the breed and the situation

Domestic And Show Poodle Haircuts

Domestic And Show Poodle Haircuts

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The curly coat of poodles is a great field for creative endeavors. There are many haircuts for these dogs. There are classic exhibitions, and there are comfortable everyday ones. Show haircuts for poodles The "English saddle"

How To Teach A Dog To Give A Paw

How To Teach A Dog To Give A Paw

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For a comfortable existence in the human world, every dog needs to know only a couple of commands: to sit, next to me, to me. But if you want to please your pet with fun training and amaze the guests of your home not only with delicious treats and hospitality, but also with unusual entertainment, then you can learn a few completely simple, but effective tricks

How To Get A Veterinary Certificate

How To Get A Veterinary Certificate

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

During the vacation season, sometimes there is no one to leave your beloved dog or cat, a hotel for animals is too expensive, and neighbors and acquaintances do not agree to look after your pet. There is only one way out: take the animal with you on vacation

Which Animals Are The Fastest

Which Animals Are The Fastest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Speed is one of the most important advantages in the world of fauna, which lives on the principle of "survival of the fittest". If the maximum running speed of a person is 43 km / h, in animals this indicator, on average, is twice as high

How To Wean A Puppy From The Street

How To Wean A Puppy From The Street

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Just a week ago, this little demon was a cute and fluffy lump that ran after you for three blocks, whining and limping on one paw. But, having settled with your apartment, he turned it into a battlefield, where the main target was the front door, which he constantly attacks in an attempt to get out to freedom

How Is The Operation For Cats "Velvet Paws" Performed

How Is The Operation For Cats "Velvet Paws" Performed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

From the West, a fashion comes to Russia to carry out an operation to remove claws on cats. Breeders want to completely protect themselves and their home from feline habits of scratching and sharpening their claws on carpets, wallpaper and sofas

How To Finger Feed

How To Finger Feed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you have a hamster or a guinea pig at home, your first desire is often to take the animal in your arms, gently stroke and feed exclusively from the palm of your hand. But a small animal, frightened by the new environment, may not like this behavior very much

How To Keep "ladies" Dogs

How To Keep "ladies" Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Small dogs of "dwarf" breeds have recently become extremely popular. They have become a fashion accessory for glamorous young ladies. But when acquiring such a dog, you must remember that this is not a toy, but quite a real dog - a protector and a loyal, loving friend

The Main Misconception Of Dog Owners

The Main Misconception Of Dog Owners

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The most important misconception of dog owners is: "The pet cannot remember and follow the training commands because it is stubborn, stupid and does not see the owner as authority." Let's get rid of it. In terms of intellectual ranking, dogs are very similar to humans in the sense that some animals can easily and naturally master the commands "

Useful Gadgets For Pets

Useful Gadgets For Pets

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Scientific and technological progress can also serve the needs of our four-legged pets. Not so long ago appeared gadgets for them can significantly facilitate the life of both the owner and the pet. What are these devices? Instructions Step 1 The first gadget we are considering is an automatic drinker for four-legged animals, which is indispensable when the owners leave