How To House Train Your Cat

How To House Train Your Cat
How To House Train Your Cat

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You are considering moving to a new home. And everything is already ready for departure, it remains to pack your things and happily celebrate the housewarming. But your cat or cat may decide differently and become more than inadequate. How to avoid such problems when adapting a cat to a new home?


Step 1

Do not rush to pick up the cat from the old home. Even if you have already packed your things and are about to go to the new address, let your animal stay a little longer in the old one until you prepare the new premises for his arrival. Only your pet should not be in splendid isolation this time - invite someone into the house to look after him, whom the animal trusts and loves.

Step 2

Arrange your pet's belongings in the new house as they were in the old one. If he showed any special love for any part of your wardrobe, then lay it out in a prominent place. Let your scent fill your new home.

Step 3

Determine immediately where the cat's tray and utensils will be. Spoon a tasty treat into a bowl. Upon arrival at the house, your cat should find its place.

Step 4

Try to immediately limit the movement of the animal around the apartment to the size of one or two rooms. And gradually increase the area of its territory. This will help the small animal to avoid unnecessary stress.

Step 5

Bring the animal home. Let him inspect your new home. Do not leave him alone, but do not pursue him either. At times, talk to him, this will make it clear that you are near, which means your pet is protected.

Step 6

Do not rush to let the animal out into the yard. Give him the opportunity to evenly and gradually explore the territory. Open a new door for him every day. Then let the animal explore the porch or veranda well. And only after that, a few weeks after the move, let you go outside for a short time. Ideally, your cat should take its first walks on an empty stomach. Then she will definitely return to the house to eat.

Step 7

Postpone buying new furniture for at least a couple of weeks. This time, as a rule, is enough for the little creature to stop marking the territory and huddle in the corners.
