For beef cattle breeding to be as intensive as possible, it is necessary to use selection, use the necessary feed for cattle, comply with the requirements for raising animals of beef breeds.

Step 1
When considering raising livestock, start with setting up a barn, keeping the room cool and moderate. The barn should be equipped with slatted floors on which hay or straw bedding is laid, and in the barn also create cattle feeders and drinkers. To intensify beef cattle breeding, firstly, use selection using the technique of high-tech artificial insemination of cows. Inseminate cows so that the calves are born almost continuously over a two-month period.

Step 2
Using this method of replenishing the livestock, apply a coordinated approach to insemination, monitor cows and calves, and complete uniform herds of young stock. Secondly, raising cattle, including beef breeds, depends on proper feeding of young and adult cows. During the first days after the birth of the calf, leave it with the cow so that it can suck the mother's milk, after a day the young can be transferred to a separate room, but they should be fed undiluted cow's milk for two weeks.

Step 3
From the third week of life, feed the calves not with milk, but with skim, add antibiotics, minerals, vitamin A, vitamin D to the liquid. Set the feeding rates for calves depending on their further purpose and breeding value. Pay special attention to the feeding of bull calves, which should be twice as intense as feeding beef cattle intended for slaughter. When preparing a whole milk replacer for calves, use a plant-based phosphatir mixture and animal fat supplements and emulsified beef lard.

Step 4
When raising beef cattle, train youngsters from three weeks of age to eat hay, but at the same time choose only good quality small-stemmed hay first. Add compound feed intended for feeding calves, as well as seeded oatmeal, to the calf's feed so that the calves can get enough protein. Give two-month-old calves chalk and salt, as well as mineral and vitamin premixes, by this age, replace oatmeal in the diet of young animals with a mixture containing cake, feed yeast, bran and cereals, and from the age of three begin to accustom calves to green feed.