How To Tell A British Cat

How To Tell A British Cat
How To Tell A British Cat

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Recently, the British cat breed has become very popular all over the world. They are smooth-haired cats, which are the result of mating of Persian and local breeds from Great Britain. Sometimes owners of other short-haired animals try to pass them off as British in order to get more money for them. Therefore, it is necessary to know the distinctive features of the breed in order to make the right choice when buying.

How to tell a British cat
How to tell a British cat


Step 1

British cats, in addition to the traditional bluish color, may have other varieties. There are solid colors: white, without other impurities, deep black with black pads, chocolate, rich tone with milky paws, lilac with a pink tint, as well as brick, cream, tortie. Note that the latter is only found in females. There are also various color combinations: lilac-cream, blue-cream, smoky colors, "chinchilla", Siamese "color-points". There are many other colors that are not deviations from the standards.

how to recognize a british kitten
how to recognize a british kitten

Step 2

Pay attention to the shape of the cat's body. Representatives of the British breed are strong, have a well-developed chest, slightly short legs, a powerful and short neck with an imperceptible transition from body to head. Often these cats are confused with Scottish Folds, which are less massive and have a lighter constitution. The body of Scottish Folds looks more like a bowling figure, the tail tapers towards the end. In the British breed, the tail is medium in length, wide at the base, and rounded at the end. Also, sometimes British cats are confused with shorthaired straights. To distinguish them, look at the nose: the British have it slightly curved at the end. The ears should be short and slightly rounded.

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how to distinguish kittens

Step 3

The coat of British cats is soft, non-adherent, thick, dense, elastic to the touch. The Scottish coat is very similar, but often softer and less elastic. The real calling card of the British breed is a dense undercoat that resembles a plush to the touch.

cat and cat how to distinguish a photo
cat and cat how to distinguish a photo

Step 4

Observe your pet's behavior. British cats have a calm and even temperament. They easily make contact, are affectionate, but not intrusive. They are distinguished from the Persians by the absence of laziness, they are often mobile, they play a lot. But they show independence, prone to solitude and loneliness.

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Step 5

There is a variation of the breed - long-haired British, which until recently were not recognized. They have the same breed characteristics, the long hair has the same structure, distinguishable from the hair of the Persians or other cats. If the coat of a long-haired British cat does not fall into mats, it is a purebred breed.
