Which Parrot To Choose For Keeping In An Apartment

Which Parrot To Choose For Keeping In An Apartment
Which Parrot To Choose For Keeping In An Apartment

There are several species of parrots that are adapted to being kept in captivity. Each breed of birds has its own characteristics, requires attention and care. If there is a small child in the house, poultry farmers are advised to opt for budgies or Karelians.

Parrots are popular pets
Parrots are popular pets

When they decide to get a parrot, they first of all remember such a variety of these birds as wavy. As a pet, they are ideal: undemanding in care, sociable and quite "talkative". The plumage of birds is bright, beautiful, will not leave indifferent any bird lover. The budgerigar can be easily tamed and taught in simple games. Taking care of birds is not difficult even in an apartment, so it can be entrusted to a child.

Which parrot to choose from exotic breeds?

You can buy a wayward and interesting bird from breeders - a parrot, a gray. His intellectual development is so highly developed that he easily reads the psychological state of a person and instantly decides whether it makes sense to insist at the moment on communicating with the owner or to beg for food from him.

Jaco is a large bird. Its length from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail can reach 35 cm. The lifespan of this bird is 60-90 years. The parrot cage should be spacious, equipped with a perch and installed at the highest point in the apartment. The bird is easy to learn and is able to reproduce several hundred words and phrases. If the parrot makes friends with the owner, he will be faithful to him for the rest of his life. The cost of birds is not so high: from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.

Another favorite of poultry farmers is the Karelian parrot. This pet will win the heart of the owner with its friendliness, unpretentiousness and sociability. With regular exercise, the bird will quickly learn to repeat not only words, but also small sentences. Karelian color can be gray, white or yellowish. It is not difficult to keep him in the apartment, since the quick-witted bird will soon understand that she is required not to throw garbage and not bother the owner in the dark.

Another breed adapted to live in captivity is the Amazons. These birds are one of the most inexpensive, unpretentious in care and easy to train. When purchasing this parrot, it should be borne in mind that he quickly learns words and phrases and will pronounce them, regardless of the presence of guests. Excessive talkativeness is a characteristic trait of the Amazons.

What documents are needed for an exotic parrot?

When imported into Russia, a permit document is issued for each bird - CITES. The owner's data is entered into it. When a parrot is sold, a purchase certificate is issued. In this document, both owners are indicated: the former and the present. In addition, the certificate contains information on the origin of the bird, CITES number, information on the veterinary procedures performed.
