In order for your dog to be able to protect you from attack or aggression from a stranger, teach her the command "fas" by sending it to the training school. After mastering the course, you can rightfully hang a sign on the door of your house: "Caution, angry dog."

Step 1
Remember: you can only train your dog in this command when you know how to fully control it. Take the dog first with a general training course and evaluate the dog's obedience in different situations.

Step 2
Consult a dog handler before sending your dog to the ZKS (protective guard service) course. Do not try to teach her this command yourself, unless you yourself are an experienced trainer.

Step 3
Teaching the command "fas" begins only when the dog at the reflex level performs the commands "fu", "sit", "lie down", "towards me". Usually 2 people take part in the training process - the trainer himself and his assistant.
Step 4
The assistant puts on tight clothing and picks up a stick or twig and rag. The dog should be tightly tied at this time. The helper slowly approaches the dog, holding a rod in one hand and a rag in the other. A dog, seeing a stranger with a rod, is usually alarmed, and it is at this moment that the trainer gives her the command "face". In the event that the dog does not show initiative, the trainer takes it by the collar and pushes it towards the helper, while uttering the command. As soon as the dog reacted to the "stranger", jerking off the leash, it is stroked and said: "Good." A treat for dogs is not given in any case.
Step 5
The assistant lightly hits the dog's head several times with a cane and at the moment when the dog reacted and jerked, he substitutes a rag for the grip, and the trainer at this time utters the command. To show the animal that it has won the battle, the helper throws a rag on the ground and runs away.
Step 6
At the last stage, when the dog has already developed anger, it is no longer tied, but released and allowed, after the command, to grab the sleeve of the special clothing in which the assistant is dressed. The trainer observes the dog and says the command at the right time. To prevent the animal from developing hostility to any one person or form of clothing, the trainer each time chooses a different helper for himself and / or changes his protective suit.