Working with the dog makes it more disciplined, which is especially important for large pets, which can cause serious harm to people around them. In addition, as a result of training, a close connection is established between the dog and the person, the pet forever remembers who is the owner in the house, and becomes not only a friend, but also a protector to its owner.

Step 1
In order for the classes to bring the maximum result, it is better to start training the dog at 2-2, 5 months. Training at this age should take place in the form of a game and not take more than 10-15 minutes a day, so as not to tire a small pet.

Step 2
To get started, train your puppy to use his own name by praising him every time he responds to it. Until he gets used to the nickname, it is better not to call him other funny nicknames and names, otherwise it will be more difficult for him.

Step 3
Then teach your pet such simple commands as "Come to me" or "Place." They must be served clearly and loudly, because dogs remember the timbre of the voice well. When teaching the last command, you should clap your pet's rug at the same time as pronouncing it.

Step 4
After the puppy has completed the command, reward him with something tasty and kind word. And to make him try even more, feed him 2-3 hours before training. Work with your pet alone, in a quiet and calm place so that nothing distracts his attention. Before doing this it is helpful to give the dog time to run.

Step 5
After three months, start teaching the puppy the following commands: Sit, Lie, Beside, Fu. In this case, you first need to explain to the dog what you want from it. So, when teaching the command "Sit", it is necessary to press with your hand on the back of the dog's back so that it sits down under the weight of the hand. And when teaching the "Beside" command, you can pull on the leash so that the puppy walks next to your leg, or pat on the side of the thigh.

Step 6
Avoid punishment for not following commands, as the dog must obey its owner, but not be afraid. When the puppy grows up a little, give him a treat only for the repeated execution of any commands, in other cases, encourage him with a kind word or stroking.
Step 7
Train your dog yourself so that it only follows the commands that you give it to it. Or, involve only family members. But it is better to teach the FAS team with a professional instructor. You can also attach this command to another word that only you will know - this will avoid dangerous situations with other people.