Wild Animals

How To Equip A Parrot Cage

How To Equip A Parrot Cage

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots, especially young ones, are quite mobile and active birds, which are bored to sit for many hours in a cage. Even if you often release your pet to the wild, you need to make sure that his house has everything you need: not only a feeder and drinker, but also perches, swings, stairs, toys

How To Pet A Parrot

How To Pet A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The need for touching, stroking can be experienced not only by people, but also by animals and birds. But if pets like cats or dogs just love affection, then the parrot must first be tamed. It is necessary Parrot, food. Instructions Step 1 Parrots do not like to be touched, especially if you put your palm on top

How To Tame A Wild Parrot

How To Tame A Wild Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The easiest way is to tame young parrots who have not yet learned what life is like in a flock of their own kind. If an adult bird comes to your house, then it will take much more patience to raise it. There is a chance that such a wild parrot will never become tame

How To Make A Budgerigar Nest

How To Make A Budgerigar Nest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many people probably wonder why two parrots of different sexes, living in the same cage, do not reproduce? The answer is very simple - they need a nest. It is this that serves as a signal for reproduction. You can, of course, buy it at a pet store, but you can do it yourself

How To Make A Bird House

How To Make A Bird House

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Once upon a time people built houses for birds in droves. Today this good tradition is almost forgotten. And it is completely in vain, because these efforts will be rewarded: pests will disappear from the garden and garden plots, and a cheerful bird chirping will be heard around

How To Choose A Cage For A Parrot

How To Choose A Cage For A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The most important thing to know about parrots is that in nature they are very freedom-loving birds and, of course, keeping parrots in captivity can negatively affect their well-being. Therefore, the choice of a cage must be approached with all responsibility

What Food To Choose For Small Breed Dogs

What Food To Choose For Small Breed Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

For a pet to live a long, healthy life, it needs to be properly fed. Food should be complete and nutritious, low-fat and suitable for the dog in age, activity and size. Small breed dogs are demanding for proper care. They have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, so you cannot feed such pets with food from the table

Which Parrot To Choose For Keeping In An Apartment

Which Parrot To Choose For Keeping In An Apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

There are several species of parrots that are adapted to being kept in captivity. Each breed of birds has its own characteristics, requires attention and care. If there is a small child in the house, poultry farmers are advised to opt for budgies or Karelians

Whether To Let The Parrots Out Of The Cage So That They "walk" Around The Apartment

Whether To Let The Parrots Out Of The Cage So That They "walk" Around The Apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots are probably the most popular pets, as keeping them does not require a lot of hassle, such as dog or cat grooming. They do not take much time, you do not need to go for a walk with them. But their stay in the apartment can be made more comfortable

How To Make A Parrot Cage

How To Make A Parrot Cage

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The cage is necessary for any bird that lives at home. There is an opinion that she can live freely in a room, and does not languish behind iron bars. However, birds quickly get used to their cozy home and leave it only to stretch their wings

How To Breed Budgies

How To Breed Budgies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Someone gets himself one parrot and teaches him to speak, and someone wants to try breeding budgerigars, so he buys a couple and is looking forward to the offspring. What do you need to know so that expectations are not in vain? Instructions Step 1 Parrots also know how to love, therefore, pairs are not always obtained from those birds from which we would like

How To Tell A Budgerigar Male From A Female

How To Tell A Budgerigar Male From A Female

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars have a special place among pets. Funny, sweet, talkative, they become great friends for children and adults, brighten up the leisure of family members or single people. So that the parrots do not get bored and retain the ability to reproduce, at a certain age they can be matched

How To Determine The Gender Of A Parrot

How To Determine The Gender Of A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If parrots are bred for breeding, then beginners are faced with the question of determining the sex of the birds. Some species of parrots differ in the color of their plumage, others in the color of the iris, wax, or the structure of the body

How To Distinguish Quail Chickens

How To Distinguish Quail Chickens

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The first to domesticate quail were the Chinese, but they were bred as beautiful songbirds. Later, the fashion for quail breeding passed to Japan, where, according to legend, thanks to the meat of these birds, the emperor was able to recover from tuberculosis

How To Make A Parrot Playground

How To Make A Parrot Playground

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars are very active, sociable and intelligent birds. They need not only proper care and balanced nutrition, but also constant communication and entertainment. A long stay of a parrot in a cage can end with scattering of droppings, overturning feeders and even self-plucking

How To Choose A Healthy Budgerigar To Buy?

How To Choose A Healthy Budgerigar To Buy?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Have you decided to make a wavy friend? How not to make the wrong choice and buy a healthy bird? Instructions Step 1 Take a closer look at the behavior of the parrots in the cage. A healthy bird is active, it does not sit huddled in a corner and does not sleep, ruffling its feathers

How To Feed Your Fish

How To Feed Your Fish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you want to buy an aquarium and have some fish, you should definitely know how to feed them correctly, because improper actions can lead to illness or death of your pets and cause trouble for the whole family. Instructions Step 1 Decide what types of fish you will buy and ask the store what foods they like to eat

How To Feed A Doberman Puppy

How To Feed A Doberman Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Doberman Pinscher is a thoroughbred dog and requires careful grooming. For an adult Doberman to maintain working qualities, receive prizes at exhibitions, become a worthy representative of the breed, he must be completely healthy, and good nutrition plays an important role in this

How To Determine The Sex Of A Budgerigar

How To Determine The Sex Of A Budgerigar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars are very beautiful and funny birds, in addition, they are also talking. But not all females have an oratorical talent, therefore, when choosing a talkative pet, it is important to correctly determine the gender. Instructions Step 1 Birds are distinguished by the color of the wax - a thickened area around the nostrils

How To Teach Cockatiel

How To Teach Cockatiel

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Corella parrots are good at imitating sounds, so they can easily learn to pronounce words. And although they are far from clear conversation of cockatoo, gray and macaw, it is still pleasant to hear human speech from a pet. Instructions Step 1 You need to start teaching Corella from an early age

How To Train A Cockatiel To Hands

How To Train A Cockatiel To Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Corella is a very popular breed of parrots. These funny birds with beautiful plumage are able to imitate the sounds of human speech, have an affectionate, friendly character, love to learn new things and play. Therefore, it is quite easy to accustom such a parrot to the hands, you just need to show patience

How To Choose A Budgerigar

How To Choose A Budgerigar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars are very funny pets. With the right upbringing, they not only delight their owners with funny remarks, monologues and even songs, but also become full and beloved family members. If you decide to buy a parrot, then do not forget to first think about how to choose the right budgerigar

How To Choose A Talking Parrot

How To Choose A Talking Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The choice of birds for the home with the ability to speak is a rather complicated process. Not every parrot will be able to pronounce individual words and phrases. Certain forms of bird behavior can tell which birds can speak and which cannot

How To Choose And Buy A Budgerigar

How To Choose And Buy A Budgerigar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Budgerigars are unpretentious and hardy enough. Their widespread popularity is due to their affordability and ease of care. Before purchasing a parrot, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this breed in order to ensure a healthy and long life for them

How To Teach Your Parrot To Talk Easily

How To Teach Your Parrot To Talk Easily

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is known that most parrot breeds, including the most common budgerigars and cockatiels, are able to imitate the voices of animals and humans. Naturally, their owners are interested in how to teach a parrot to talk. Instructions Step 1 Individual abilities of birds may differ, and therefore the ability to learn to talk in budgies, cockatiels and pets of other breeds is different

Talking Parrot: How To Quickly Teach A Bird To Talk?

Talking Parrot: How To Quickly Teach A Bird To Talk?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A parrot reading a poem, maintaining a conversation, or answering questions will become an unusual pet in the house. Is it so easy to teach a bird a couple of words? How long does it take for Kesha to say his first "boy"? How to speed up the process?

Why Do Parrots Talk

Why Do Parrots Talk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The ability of parrots to talk has always surprised and delighted people. Many have heard greetings or other scraps of phrases from their pet more than once, but how he learned this remains a mystery to many. Many people are interested in the question, how did parrots learn to talk?

How To Play With A Parrot

How To Play With A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Parrots are very intelligent birds, and they are distinguished by increased sociability in relation to their owner. You will have a lot of fun discovering the secrets of the communication tools of parrots and forging communication with them using the signs they understand

What Vaccinations Should A Dog Do Annually

What Vaccinations Should A Dog Do Annually

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The puppy's future health is directly dependent on vaccinations. A person, having a small pet for himself, takes responsibility for his life. At first, a dog needs care, almost like a child. He needs to be fed, bathed, walked on the street. All necessary vaccinations for the puppy must be done annually

How To Breed Catfish

How To Breed Catfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Catfish are one of the most common species of aquarium fish. They are capable of arousing the interest of both beginners and more experienced aquarists, due to their unusual and active behavior. For those who wish to try their hand at breeding these fish, it is better to choose speckled catfish for the first experiments

Why Do Bears Hibernate?

Why Do Bears Hibernate?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In fact, zoologists argue that bears do not go into real hibernation, but only partially immerse themselves in longer sleep. Is it so? Why bears hibernate Bears, like many mammals, do not store for the winter. It is known that clubfoot falls into prolonged sleep, during which they actively consume fat reserves made during the summer and autumn seasons

Which Dry Food Is The Best

Which Dry Food Is The Best

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Feeding your pet dry food is very convenient. But the assortment of this product is so wide that it becomes difficult to choose food that corresponds to the breed of the animal, physiological characteristics, lifestyle, activity, and at the same time does not harm the body

How To Tame A Parrot

How To Tame A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The parrot bird is far from stupid. Therefore, if you decide to enlist her love and affection, start preparing thoroughly. To tame a parrot does not take a lot of effort, you need their regularity. Only regular training will make you a member of the pack and a confidant

How Much Is A Lovebird Parrot

How Much Is A Lovebird Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lovebird parrots are known for their devotion to their "soulmate" and are a symbol of strong family relationships. Keeping these birds at home is a pleasure. But it is better to calculate the cost of such pleasure in advance, so as not to get into trouble in the future

How To Teach Lovebirds To Hand

How To Teach Lovebirds To Hand

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lovebirds are unusually beautiful parrots with bright colorful plumage. They got their name because of the strong attachment of the male and female to each other. Lovebirds live in nature exclusively in pairs, they rest and eat together. You need to gradually accustom such a bird to the hands

How To Teach A Lovebird Parrot To Speak

How To Teach A Lovebird Parrot To Speak

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many parrot owners dream of their pet talking, striking everyone with apt words and unexpected phrases. Any parrot can be taught to speak, even a lovebird. However, it will take a lot of effort. Instructions Step 1 As much as possible, a lovebird parrot can learn to speak 10-12 words, on average, with proper training, it can pronounce 2-4 words

How To Determine The Age Of A Parrot

How To Determine The Age Of A Parrot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the favorite pets - budgerigars - are long-lived. With good care, a parrot can live for about 15 years. It is desirable to acquire a young parrot, as more trainable. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to determine the exact age of a parrot, it is only possible to determine whether it is a young bird, or already an adult, sexually mature

What Animals Are The Most Loyal

What Animals Are The Most Loyal

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If you ask someone about which of the animals is famous for their loyalty and loyalty, many of the first to name pets - dogs. The cases of their devotion are well known, since a person often witnesses this. But some representatives of the wild are also devoted to each other, it just does not always become known

What To Do If The Cat Stops Eating

What To Do If The Cat Stops Eating

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If the cat suddenly began to refuse food, this behavior of the pet should alert the owner. Veterinarians say that even a day or two of complete hunger can lead to the development of irreversible changes in the cat's body, which can be dangerous to his health and life

How To Tame Lovebirds

How To Tame Lovebirds

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Lovebird parrots are distinguished by their cheerful character, interesting behavior and bright colors. They are real little friends and can be a lot of fun. That is why children love them so much. Is it possible to tame this bird and how to do it?