Which Dry Food Is The Best

Which Dry Food Is The Best
Which Dry Food Is The Best

Feeding your pet dry food is very convenient. But the assortment of this product is so wide that it becomes difficult to choose food that corresponds to the breed of the animal, physiological characteristics, lifestyle, activity, and at the same time does not harm the body.

Which dry food is the best
Which dry food is the best

Benefits of dry food

Dry food has a number of advantages. First of all, it saves time. Plus, the food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and the owner does not need to worry about introducing additional supplements into the animal's diet. Dry food is also convenient to store and is ideal for feeding your pet while traveling.

Despite these benefits, many people are still opposed to dry food. They believe that it has a detrimental effect on the health of a cat or dog. But this belief is erroneous and is due to the fact that in some countries the culture of feeding animals with industrial feed is insufficiently developed. The largest scientific institutes in Europe and America have been developing and improving dry food for many decades, which surpass natural food in all characteristics. But this only applies to high quality feed, which cannot be cheap.

How to choose quality feed?

At the very beginning of the path of choosing a suitable feed, you should immediately exclude cheap economy class feed. Ingredients may be of questionable quality and contain meat from sick or dead animals. In addition, in such feeds the presence of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides is not excluded, which does not contribute to the health of the animal, but necessarily leads to diseases.

You need to choose premium or super premium food for your pet. But even when buying high-quality feed, do not lose your vigilance, but carefully study the composition of the product. It should be detailed. It is important that meat is in the first place in the list of ingredients. This means that this feed contains enough of it. The content of cereals or vegetables should not exceed 50%. In addition, the composition of the feed includes vitamins, minerals, special additives for the work of the intestines, joints, heart.

Please note that it is allowed to use sulfuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, acetic acids as preservatives in dry food. But the salts of these acids are strictly prohibited.

Also, the feed should not contain chemical preservatives, dyes, flavorings, sugar, cellulose, and nut shells.

How do you know if food is suitable for an animal?

When choosing food, pay attention not only to its class and composition, but also take into account the age of your pet, how much it moves, spayed or not, whether it has a tendency to be overweight, whether there are digestive problems. For each such case, you can choose a quality food.

To please an animal, you need to buy food, taking into account its gastronomic preferences - with poultry, lamb or fish. It is far from the first attempt to find the right food. So don't buy a lot of it. There are times when the animal does not eat dry food at all.

But if the pet eats food with pleasure, and you notice that he feels great, looks good, his activity does not decrease, then the food suits him. There is no need to try to diversify the animal's menu, it does not suffer from monotony. In addition, practice shows that the less variety, the fewer health problems.
