Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
British cats have aristocracy and endurance. For many reasons, the British are considered ideal: a kind look, docile character, different colors, ease of care. All these features of the breed help them to remain at the top of popularity among other cats
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Sphynx cats are a decoration of any exhibition, as they attract special attention to themselves and delight those around them. There are three types of Sphynx cats: Peterbald, Don Sphynx and Canadian Sphynx. All species are very elegant and slender, with soft velvety skin and lots of fun folds
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Orientals are truly amazing cats with a magnificent slender and muscular body, an unusual muzzle and large sensitive ears. But the beauty and original appearance of these cats is just an addition to their wonderful character. Instructions Step 1 Decide in advance whether you will represent your cat at exhibitions in order to obtain titles and further breeding expensive and promising kittens
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Breeds of cats within one species or subspecies are formed by humans, developing their certain traits. There are about two hundred different breeds in the world. Among the signs by which the breed standard is formed, there are size, shape, body weight, color, eye color and the length of the cat's coat
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Maine Coon is an American aboriginal cat with long hair. Representatives of this breed are large animals, perfectly adapted to survive in the wild. Instructions Step 1 Maine Coon head is wide, wedge-shaped. It is elongated in length, which is necessary for these animals to get food in the wild
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Cats are among the most popular pets. It is estimated that these creatures have lived side by side with humans for over 10 thousand years. These pets are graceful and beautiful animals that give their owners love, warmth and, of course, affection
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Cornish Rex is a breed of short-haired domestic cats, quite rare in Russia. This is due to the extremely high cost and unusual appearance of these exotic beauties. To this day, they remain the favorites of a narrow circle of connoisseurs of non-standard breeds
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A cat show is a very serious and responsible event. It is necessary not only to present your pet beautifully, but also to collect all the necessary documents in advance to participate in the exhibition. It is necessary - card with vaccination marks
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Ragdoll is a breed of domestic cats that appeared thanks to the efforts of the famous American breeder Ann Baker. She contains the features of the Burmese, Persian and Angora types, but, unlike all other cats, is characterized by exceptional complaisance
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The character of a cat is formed not only from her upbringing, but also from the features laid down by the breed. Therefore, when choosing a pet, you should focus not only on its appearance, but also on the characteristic features of behavior inherent in a particular breed
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Siberian cats, owners of luxurious long hair, need regular grooming: proper feeding, careful brushing and even bathing. Although some Siberian owners believe that these animals should not be washed at all, it is still better to bathe in the presence of severe contamination on the pet's fur
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Munchkin is a cat breed, the main distinguishing feature of which is the appearance of its representatives. These cats can be compared to dachshunds. Animals have a similar paw structure. This breed appeared quite by accident. The history of the emergence of the breed Nobody took the Munchkins out on purpose
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The Maine Coon is a cat breed that has many virtues. The positive aspects of this interesting breed can be divided into two components - appearance and character. Appearance The cat breed, called the Maine Coon, originated from cats that lived in Maine, where the farmland was located
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The development of the character and behavior of cats to a large extent depends on the upbringing that the owner can give. If he treats the pet with care and affection, then the kitten almost always grows up calm, gentle and balanced. It is necessary Smooth-haired kittens of friends or acquaintances
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It is not as difficult to prepare short-haired cats for a show as long-haired ones. This also applies to representatives of the oriental breed. And if you properly care for the animal from its very birth, the efforts of the owner of the oriental during the preparation for the exhibition are completely reduced to a minimum
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The history of the origin of cats in Russia began about a thousand years ago. Not so long time is obtained, given that in Ancient Egypt the domesticated ancestors of our Vasek and Musek lived more than 4000 years ago. The first fluffy purrs were brought to Russian soil in the 11th century, although there is a number of evidence that these animals appeared on the territory of the Circassian and Odessa regions of modern Ukraine several centuries earlier, approximately in the II-V
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Allergies are a good enough reason not to have pets. Is there a way out of this situation if you really want to keep at home, for example, a cat? Of course, constantly taking medications or suffering from manifestations of allergies is not an option
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The history of cats and the history of Ancient Egypt are inextricably linked, since it was the Egyptians who first domesticated the feline, as evidenced by the evidence of cats in Egypt dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. On the paintings in tombs and frescoes, cats were already depicted in collars and in the house next to the owners
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Manx is a breed of cats from the Isle of Man, popular all over the world. These exotic species of cats are famous not only for their extraordinary appearance, but also for their wonderful character. An ideal choice for dog owners and parents
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When people first see this cat breed from a distance, the first thing they experience is fear. An animal with large expressive eyes appears to the gaze, which only ask the person to come closer. It is hard to believe that this animal will allow a person to press it to his body with its soft wool of luxurious color
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When choosing a pet, most people opt for cats - cute, fluffy, gently purring animals. There are many cat breeds known in the world. Among this variety, one can single out those whose representatives are among the smallest. Instructions Step 1 The most popular among the smallest cats is the Singaporean
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The Norwegian cat is a very active and freedom-loving animal. But despite this, she easily adapts to life in an ordinary city apartment. Norwegian cats are very friendly and affectionate towards people. They easily get along with other pets
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Experts and simply lovers of cats describe the Egyptian Mao as loyal, playful, inquisitive hunters. With proper care and education, this pet will not give the owners a lot of trouble. Care of hair and nails Representatives of the breed have short hair, so combing the cat is enough once a week
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The Burmese cat, or sacred Burma, is a color-point semi-long-haired cat breed that, according to legend, comes from Burma. Do not confuse the Burmese with the Shorthair Burmese. Sacred Burma can be recognized by its unusual color, named Burmese by the name of the breed
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According to the history of the origin of the Norwegian cat breed, its representatives are the descendants of wild forest animals that lived in Norway, the characteristic features of which were agility, endurance, excellent adaptability to a cold climate, as well as excellent hunting qualities
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Kittens playing with each other rarely hurt each other, because instinct does not allow them to release their claws. And even adult cats rarely really fight, preferring to avoid fights. They begin with precautionary actions, carrying out psychological conditioning of the enemy and showing their superiority in strength
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The Asian tabby, despite its name, was bred in Europe, more specifically in the UK. Cats of this breed belong to the Asian Shorthair group. The Asian tabby breed is not very common in the world. For example, in Russia, cats belonging to her are quite rare
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats have long been a part of the lives of many people. They can be big and small, beautiful and not so. But the largest representatives of cats amaze with their grace and elegance. What is the largest cat in the world? To answer the question about the largest cat in the world, it is necessary to single out the largest breeds of these domestic animals
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Anatolian breed, or Turkish Shorthair, like Van, is a natural breed that was formed in the conditions of the Turkish Lake Van. Secondary feral cats of this breed live, however, not only in Turkey, but also in Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia
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Bengal cats were bred by crossing the American Shorthair breed and the Miniature Leopard. Bengals began to be bred in 1963, and they were officially registered in the felinological community TICA only two decades later. Appearance Outwardly, Bengal cats are similar to leopards - with the same color, leopard grace, powerful body and wild eyes
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For some people, the Siberian cat is just an affectionate pet. Others give birth to these beautiful graceful animals to create a successful show career. To take a prize at the show, the owner must carefully prepare his pet for this important and responsible event
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Selkirk Rex is a unique breed of cats that are distinguished not only by wavy hair, but also have an extremely peaceful character. These cats are very attached to their owners, perfectly feel their mood, very loving and perfectly trained. Representatives of the Selkirk Rex breed will become a truly loyal friend for their owner
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Persian cats are a real symbol of home comfort. However, they are often the stars of exhibitions, receiving numerous prizes. Luxurious coat, smooth movements and balanced character provide the Persians with a wide army of admirers, among whom there are many very influential persons
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Tonkin cat is a hybrid of Burmese and Siamese cats. Its second name is "Siamese golden". The ancestors of this cat come from Southeast Asia: Europeans once called the northern regions of Vietnam by Tonkin. The appearance of the Tonkin cat The first to become interested in this breed were Canadian specialists, who in the middle of the 20th century did a lot of work on breeding tonkinesis
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Burmilla is a cat breed with a unique and interesting appearance. Cats of the breed are divided into short-haired and long-haired. They are expensive due to the difficulty of breeding. History The Baroness of Great Britain had two cats belonging to different species, and in 1980 the offspring turned out to be mixed, but the owner did not reject him
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The Abyssinian breed originated from wild African cats that lived in Ethiopia, formerly called Abyssinia. For the first time, cats of this breed were mentioned in 1968. The first silver Abyssinians were brought to America in 1907. Characteristic Abyssinians outwardly look like a smaller copy of a female lion
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The history of the origin of cats is associated with Ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptians who domesticated these animals back in the III millennium BC. Domestic cats in England appeared much later - in antiquity. It is believed that the history of cats in the UK began when the Romans brought them there
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The Balinese cat, or Balinese, is a semi-long-haired variety of the Siamese cat breed bred in the United States. The first registered semi-longhaired kitten of a Siamese pair was born in the States in 1928. Siamese kittens were born periodically, but for some time their owners did not advertise this
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Cats are affectionate and intelligent pets. They are distinguished by amazing abilities, occupy a worthy place in history and can perform real tricks due to the unusual structure of their bodies. There are many unusual facts about these animals, thanks to which cats evoke even more love and respect
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In the US state of California in 1981, a cat was discovered with strange ears, twisted back. That was an interesting mutation. A month later, the cat became pregnant, and when her kittens were born, after a while their ears also bent back. Breeding work began on these pussies, and as a result, a new breed was recognized by felinologists, which was called the American curl (from the English curl - curl, curl)