How To Tame A Parrot

How To Tame A Parrot
How To Tame A Parrot

The parrot bird is far from stupid. Therefore, if you decide to enlist her love and affection, start preparing thoroughly.

How to tame a parrot
How to tame a parrot

To tame a parrot does not take a lot of effort, you need their regularity. Only regular training will make you a member of the pack and a confidant.

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First, you need to train the parrot to be in your hands. To do this, start simple - try hand-feeding the parrot. At first, the bird will stumble in place for a long time and think, this process can take quite a long time. Progress will be the moment when the bird begins to take food from its hand and move away and eat it aside. Only through food can you teach your parrot to hand. If the parrot does not get used to your hands, then further training is useless.

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Let's say that you are successful and the bird starts eating without leaving your hand. The next step is to train the parrot to stay on your arm or shoulder during your movement. Entrusting your movement in space to a stranger is a sign of great trust. Especially for the bird.

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how to tame a parrot fast

Next is the most important thing. To tame the parrot completely, he must take you into the family-flock. A clear manifestation of recognition will be the fact that the bird will allow you to stroke the wings and head. If she reacts aggressively to such caresses, then it is not time yet and it is worth continuing to feed from her hands.

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It is useful to know that even the smallest parrot has a very dense beak. If a gray parrot can easily bite off the earlobe of a guest who does not like it, then a wavy crumb can also cause significant damage. For example, there are cases when such parrots bit the offender's finger. Do not quarrel with the parrot, he will remember and be sure to take revenge.

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train a parrot to finger

We decided to train the bird, first tame it. A tamed parrot begins to work much more actively “with its own”. Training lessons are best done on an empty stomach, using food as a reward. With such an alignment of forces, the bird thinks faster, and you will achieve the development of skills.
