How To Donate A Dog

How To Donate A Dog
How To Donate A Dog

Table of contents:


The cost of puppies of some dog breeds can reach several thousand dollars. If you would like to have a four-legged friend and at the same time it does not matter to you at all whether he is purebred or not, you do not have to buy a pet. The dog can be donated.

How to donate a dog
How to donate a dog

It is necessary

  • - newspaper of free ads;
  • - the Internet.


Step 1

Buy a newspaper of free classifieds or go to the website of the print edition, where these messages are duplicated. Open the heading "Animals", select the section "Animals as a gift". There you will see advertisements for puppies and adult dogs looking for good hands. Most often, outbred puppies are given into good hands through the newspaper, but among adult animals there are also purebred ones, with which the owners for some reason are forced to part.

how to attach a dog
how to attach a dog

Step 2

Go to the bird market. Often among pedigree cats, dogs, hamsters and birds there are compassionate old women who have a puppy dog, and give the puppies into good hands.

dog breed for beginners
dog breed for beginners

Step 3

Check out your city animal lovers forum. Often people who need to attach a pet that have become unnecessary or find owners for puppies write ads about this on the Internet, attaching photos of the proposed dog to the message.

How to buy a puppy
How to buy a puppy

Step 4

In many cities, there are dog shelters or volunteer organizations that help animals and organize overexposure at home. Typically, such organizations have their own website or group on a social network (and often both). Going to a similar page, you can see photos of dogs, read about their character, age, vaccinations. Under the message about the animal, the coordinates of the volunteer who has the dog on overexposure, or the guardian who watches the dog in the kennel are published. Contact him and he will arrange for you to meet with a potential friend.
