How To Feed A Miniature Schnauzer Puppy

How To Feed A Miniature Schnauzer Puppy
How To Feed A Miniature Schnauzer Puppy

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If you decide to buy a miniature schnauzer puppy, then you can be congratulated. Dogs of this breed are excellent friends, distinguished by a cheerful, good-natured disposition, always ready to both play with you and protect in case of danger (at least with loud barking). But in order for your baby to always be cheerful and healthy, to have a beautiful coat and good teeth, it must be properly fed.

How to feed a Miniature Schnauzer puppy
How to feed a Miniature Schnauzer puppy


Step 1

The principle of feeding a zwerg is practically no different from those rules that exist for medium-sized dogs. You should definitely set aside a quiet place for him to eat, and put a special stand for bowls of food and water, on which their height can be adjusted as the puppy grows, so that his posture is correct.

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Step 2

From the first days of its appearance in your house, the puppy must clearly learn that he will eat not what he will be able to beg at the table, but what you put in his bowl. If he does not have time to eat everything in 15-20 minutes, remove the bowl - your dog is not hungry and food should not be in constant access. For zwergs who are prone to overweight, this rule must be strictly observed, because after a haircut they need to demonstrate a toned slender figure, and not look like a sausage bar with legs.

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Step 3

For proper development, observe the established ratio between animal and vegetable products in the dog's diet. It should be 3: 1. It is advisable to feed the puppy with natural products and only by the year, if necessary, to transfer it to dry food. In his diet, of course, there should be meat: beef (raw and boiled), sea fish (boiled), dairy products, fruits, vegetables and cereals, best of all - oatmeal. Pearl barley, semolina and legumes are practically not digested in the puppy's body. Eggs can be given raw or boiled once or twice a week. When changing teeth, between 4 and 8 months, try to eliminate solid foods.

Step 4

Check out the list of foods that absolutely should not be in the dog's diet - spicy, salty and smoked for it is a real poison. Even cheese can be given in small pieces once a week, and its soft varieties can be used as a treat and a reward for obedience in training.

Step 5

An older dog can be unloaded once a week - skip the evening or morning feeding. Garlic can be included in the diet for the prevention of worms - one clove a couple of times a week. In the morning, it is necessary that the consistency of the food is liquid, this will help the dog to empty the intestines without any problems.
