Lovebird parrots are distinguished by their cheerful character, interesting behavior and bright colors. They are real little friends and can be a lot of fun. That is why children love them so much. Is it possible to tame this bird and how to do it? You will learn about this from the next instruction.

Step 1
If you have purchased a small chick, then in the first days it is better not to disturb him. The parrot will be afraid of sudden movements, afraid to approach the feeder. Sometimes he can hide in the corner of the cage. Therefore, at first, scatter food along the bottom of the cage and go into the room where the chick sits as rarely as possible.

Step 2
When you feed a chick, try to talk to him affectionately. Be sure to call the parrot by name every time you approach the feeder. This will calm him down. Do not under any circumstances make noise or whistle. Talk to him in a low voice. Thus, he must get used to the new environment and toys.

Step 3
Many lovebirds do not like it when a person bends towards the cage. Therefore, in the first weeks it is better to put the cage higher. Then, over time, it can be lowered lower.

Step 4
Naturally, it is very difficult for a novice poultry breeder to determine the mood of a bird. But over time, you can easily recognize your pet's attitude. So, if the lovebird is interested in something, then he will pull his head towards this object. Sometimes a toy interests him so much that he begins to push or touch an unfamiliar object with his beak. With great surprise, the parrot slightly lifts the feathers on its head and opens its eyes wide. When frightened, he can suddenly jump to the side. During the game, the parrot tilts its head and sometimes squints its eyes, if the process gives it pleasure. The bird came up to you and froze, while squinting its eyes - this means that it should be petted. Sometimes a parrot does something new and waits for the owner's reaction to it. It is very important to correctly assess his actions, to make it clear to the bird whether you approve of him or not. With aggression, the parrot ruffles its feathers, throws up its head, opens its eyes wide. At the same time, he can even peck at a human. With fear, the bird shrinks into a ball and tries to hide. In cold weather, he can fluff up his feathers and sit crumpled.