Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The American Bobtail, or Yankeebo, has no official ancestor, unlike many other well-known breeds. In the early 1960s, in southern Arizona, in the United States, near the Indian Reservation, the Sanders couple found a bob-tailed kitten and named it Yodi
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The Bombay cat looks like a small panther with graceful movements and a balanced character. The breed has been popular in the United States for over 15 years, and in Russia it became known thanks to the efforts of professional breeders. Proper care of the bomb is the key to a happy life for your pet
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Maine Coon is a large feline. Powerful constitution, large head and legs, almond-shaped slanting eyes, bushy tail, tassels on the ears - these features are inherent in this breed. Representatives of this breed are very interesting both in appearance and character
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A cat's health depends on the presence of grass in its diet. In winter and in the absence of a summer cottage, it is necessary to germinate a "green treat" for a pet at home. You cannot dig in greens in the city, it can be covered with dust and pesticides
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A cat is a friend of the human soul. All breeds of cats have certain characteristics, but each cat has its own unique character. This should be considered when choosing a furry friend. It is necessary to select an animal in accordance with the lifestyle and temperament of the owner
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The Cornish Rex cat is an almost weightless creature. At the same time, taking it in your arms, you can feel its strength and energy well. The unexpected silkiness, softness and waviness of the coat is surprising. Curly cats were talked about at the beginning of the 20th century
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Is your furry pet waiting for the offspring? Then she needs to organize proper nutrition, thanks to which healthy and mischievous kittens will be born. Pregnancy is always one of the happiest moments in life, not only for a person, but also for his pet
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Breeding parrots of different breeds is a hobby that is not as common as breeding cats and dogs, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of parrot owners, and often beginners are faced with the problem of recognizing the sex of their pets. This problem can become a serious obstacle for the further reproduction of parrots and for the production of offspring
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People do not always think that the world around them is not an objective and only reality, but a picture that the brain creates with the help of the organs of vision. Different animals, other living beings see the world differently. Cats, for example, have a wider field of view, less color discrimination, low-light vision, and other visual features
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In order to start treating a sick parrot on time, you need to know about the most common types of diseases of these birds and their symptoms. In some cases, a pet can be cured with proper care and feeding. In the case of infectious diseases, take the bird to a veterinarian
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Until recently, it was believed that dogs are color blind and see the world in black and white. However, recent research by scientists has shown a different picture: dogs still see colors, but they do it differently than humans. Visual experiment A common misconception about canine vision has been easily refuted by scientists
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With proper care, budgies can live up to 7 to 15 years. However, many feathered pets die before reaching their fifth birthday. The reason is that very often the owners of parrots do not know how to take care of these birds. Why budgies live a little This is due to the commercial approach to birds, which are sold under the label "
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The budgerigar is one of the most common pets. It is not difficult to take care of him, both adults and children love to do this. Of course, the most interesting thing is to take a very small chick from a pet store and raise it. One of the exciting questions for future owners when choosing a pet is determining its gender
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Any pet invariably becomes a member of the family, which means that it needs a name. All cats and dogs have nicknames, and parrots are no exception. Few owners pay enough attention to coming up with a suitable name for their parrot, but the name can determine the future fate of your pet and even change the style of his behavior
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Sooner or later, a turning point in personal relationships with a pet may come in the life of every owner. Let's take a look at 7 main reasons. 1. Your puppy has grown up and his instincts have sharpened. His behavior became comparable to the habits of a predator, and the owner ceased to be an indisputable authority
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Parrots, like other animals, can get sick. Fortunately, birds rarely get sick. Especially if they are properly looked after. In domestic conditions, birds suffer from colds (hypothermia) or, conversely, from overheating; from vitamin deficiencies, digestive disorders and metabolic disorders due to improper feeding
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Sometimes the owners have difficulties even with choosing a name for a kitten, puppy or rabbit. Needless to say, how hard it is for a person who chooses a nickname for such a wonderful and rare animal for most people as a dolphin. Instructions Step 1 Try to come up with a name based on the nature of the animal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Among exotic bird lovers, there are many who prefer to keep macaw parrots at home. Of great interest is how to choose this beautiful bird correctly, because sellers often deceive buyers and the parrot is sick or too noisy. Where is the best place to buy a parrot To get yourself a healthy parrot, the first step is to know where to get it
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When choosing a name for a lovebird parrot, take your time. This is a very important moment in the life of a bird. It is believed that the name influences the formation of the character not only of people, but also of pets. Instructions Step 1 Lovebirds are parrots that are capable of imitating human speech
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The canary, or kenar, is a songbird of the finch family, native to the Canary Islands. She begins to sing confidently by the age of two. The name for her is of paramount importance: the more often she hears beautiful sounds, the more pleasant her own song will be, and vice versa, rough sounds will have a bad effect on her vocal abilities
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Almost all parrot breeds can learn to "talk", the only question is the amount of effort that needs to be made to achieve this. The most sociable species is the gray. The speech of these parrots can sometimes be confused with human speech
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Parrots are usually bought at a young age, when it is quite difficult to establish the floor. With age, differences begin to manifest themselves in external signs and in the behavior of birds. If you are buying a pair of parrots, then you need to be able to accurately distinguish between females and males
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The Rottweiler is a service breed. In addition, this dog is a great guard for you and a gentle nanny for your children. But in order for the dog to live up to expectations, you need to start raising a puppy from early childhood. First Steps - Toilet Training At 1 month old, the puppy can already be taught to walk on well-known affairs on the street
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Corella is one of the most beloved types of domestic parrots in Russia. They are much larger than budgerigars, but at the same time they are quite unpretentious in care and can delight their owners much longer, since they live from 5 to 15 years
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Lovebird parrots are one of the most interesting and popular inhabitants of Russian apartments. They are brightly colored, much larger than ordinary budgerigars and take very touching care of each other during the breeding season. However, even an experienced specialist will not always be able to distinguish a male from a female by appearance
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It can be quite difficult for a city dweller inexperienced in farming to distinguish an adult hen from a rooster, and even more so if he is offered to sort the chickens by gender. However, finding the differences is easy if you know a few simple tricks
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Breeding parrots is not only interesting, but also troublesome. Choose the right cage, monitor their behavior and, of course, not be mistaken with the choice of the partners themselves. Having made these steps competently and in a timely manner, after a while you can expect beautiful wavy offspring
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
If you have a parrot, do not expect that he will become your friend at first sight and for life. Budgerigars are cautious and shy birds. It will take some time to tame a new pet, but the result will not be long in coming. If you conduct the taming process correctly, soon the fearful parrot will turn into a tamed pet, affectionate and sincerely attached to you
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Ear cropping for dogs is a surgical operation to correct the shape, which is carried out for decorative or therapeutic purposes. Although the debate about the need for cropping continues all the time, many owners take this step to ensure that the appearance of the dog meets breed standards
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The titmouse from the order of titmice birds is found in European countries, some Asian countries, in Africa, but most of these birds can be found in Russia. The tit dwells in forests, forest belts, on the edges, can live on trees near water bodies
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Sometimes cat owners have to deal with neurological diseases of their wards. One of the types of such diseases is epilepsy. Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain with seizures and convulsions. Pet owners should be aware that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Birds are heavenly creatures that fascinate with their diligence and ability to work. After building their own house without the help of hands, they deserve admiration. The technology for making nests is also of interest, since each bird builds its nest differently
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The rabbit can abandon the offspring due to mastitis, low air temperature in the room, a state of wild hunting, stress, etc. In this case, you can plant the offspring with another rabbit or artificially feed it. For what reasons can a female give up her little rabbits?
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Keeping a parrot at home for humans has many advantages. It does not require its own walking and is not difficult to care for. It is enough only to have minimal knowledge in order for the bird to bring only pleasure from its contemplation. The life span of parrots is about twenty years
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Budgerigars are such a domesticated bird that you can even breed it in an ordinary apartment. In this case, a number of rules should be observed so that the offspring turns out to be viable, and reproduction is carried out easily and several times a year
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Budgerigars are the most common house pets. Good adaptation to captivity, bright plumage and unpretentiousness in food have earned the parrots a good reputation. But, nevertheless, budgies need proper care. Instructions Step 1 If a budgerigar appears in your house, you need to properly equip the cage
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Raising and taming any pet is a long and painstaking process. Especially if you took it as an adult. Therefore, when taming an adult budgerigar, you do not need to tune in to an instant effect - most likely, it will take several weeks before a new family member begins to trust you
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You took a beautiful parrot to your house and suddenly found that these birds are very noisy. A scream is heard throughout the apartment, and if they don't like something, they can pinch. In order for the parrot to behave properly, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the loud behavior and then calm it down
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The title of the most popular indoor bird belongs, oddly enough, not to all familiar parrots, but to another representative of the birds - an elegant goldfinch. This loud-voiced and cheerful songwriter can be purchased at a regular store. But there is another option:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Miniature Pinscher is a small but very active dog. If the family has children and you decide to have a four-legged friend, take a closer look at this nimble baby. History of the breed This breed is also called the Miniature Pinscher and was bred in Germany about 300 years ago