How Long Does Pregnancy Last For Hamsters?

How Long Does Pregnancy Last For Hamsters?
How Long Does Pregnancy Last For Hamsters?

Hamsters are very cute pets that children especially love. It should be borne in mind that hamsters are good enough, and most importantly, they reproduce very quickly in captivity.

How long does pregnancy last for hamsters?
How long does pregnancy last for hamsters?

Pregnancy in hamsters

Hamsters are animals that are quite easy to reproduce, and they reach reproductive age already 3-4 months after birth. So if a male and a female are kept in the same room, the onset of pregnancy in the latter is very likely.

In Russia, the most common breeds of these animals, which are usually kept as pets, are the Syrian and Dzungarian breeds, but some owners also keep hamsters of other breeds. In general, it can be stated that larger animals need more time to form a full-fledged cub in the womb, therefore, the larger the hamster, the longer the pregnancy in the female of this breed lasts. So, in hamsters of the Syrian breed, the duration of pregnancy is from 16 to 19 days, and in hamsters of the Dzungarian breed - from 19 to 22 days. This duration is typical for most rodent pregnancies, and exceptions to this rule are extremely rare.

Signs of pregnancy

However, it is not very easy to track the onset of pregnancy in a female hamster by external signs. A noticeable belly in the female appears only by the middle of the term; almost at the same time, her nipples become brighter and larger. This means that she will soon have cubs. However, if the animal has very long and fluffy fur, the owners may pay attention to these signs later, that is, almost towards the end of the gestation period.

It is possible to conclude that the female is pregnant by indirect signs. These may include increased drowsiness and appetite in an animal, since carrying babies requires a lot of strength from her. However, in some cases, the situation can be exactly the opposite - when the female begins to eat less, while showing a higher than usual activity. In any case, a change in the habitual rhythm and lifestyle of the rodent should be a reason for the owner to pay more attention to him.

After it became obvious that the female is expecting a baby, it is advisable to provide her with a solitary stay in a cage or other room where she is kept. This is due to the fact that changes in the mood and behavior of the animal can be manifested, among other things, by outbursts of aggression, which will inevitably lead to a conflict between the pregnant female and her neighbor, neighbor or neighbors. In this case, both the expectant mother herself and the rest of the team can suffer, so it is better not to bring the situation to such a denouement.
