What Animals Are The Most Loyal

What Animals Are The Most Loyal
What Animals Are The Most Loyal

If you ask someone about which of the animals is famous for their loyalty and loyalty, many of the first to name pets - dogs. The cases of their devotion are well known, since a person often witnesses this. But some representatives of the wild are also devoted to each other, it just does not always become known.

What animals are the most loyal
What animals are the most loyal

Gray Predators - A Pattern of Devotion

The most famous dogs in the world
The most famous dogs in the world

The loyalty of wolves is legendary, their loyalty is known along with the notorious swan loyalty. Wolves have been picking up a pair for themselves for a long time, looking closely at suitable partners throughout the year. The selection and courtship period ends with wolf weddings, which fall between January and early April. However, the time of weddings also depends on the area in which the wolf pack lives. After the couples have found each other, each of them selects for itself a separate den, where the she-wolf will give birth and raise the cubs.

Throughout her pregnancy, the male literally does not leave his friend, they constantly flatter and show each other signs of attention. Unlike most representatives of the animal world, after the birth of offspring, the couple does not break up, the wolves together are engaged in feeding and raising them, remaining faithful to each other throughout their lives. The death of a partner is perceived by those who remain as a real tragedy, the wolves experience it, expressing their grief by howling.

Of the birds, not only swans are distinguished by special loyalty and devotion, but also ordinary gray domestic geese, which also live in pairs, and platonic relationships in them begin before the onset of the mating season.

The economic beaver is a faithful spouse

What animals live in the steppe
What animals live in the steppe

Another beast is incapable of betraying its partner - this is a troublesome household beaver. Their life expectancy is quite long - almost a quarter of a century, and during this time the beaver creates a family and lives in it all his life. In the family of beavers, matriarchy reigns - the main beaver in it. Each family builds a separate hut for itself, in which the female bears the future offspring, and the male feeds her at this time. Young beavers live in a family for up to 2 years, and then leave the family to find a mate and live separately.

African and Indian elephants are also distinguished by their loyalty and devotion.

Loyal hyena dogs

These representatives of the animal kingdom live in the African steppes and savannah, their pairs are also monogamous throughout life. These dogs are the closest relatives of wolves, therefore their way of life and its way are very similar to that of a wolf. A dominant pair is at the head of the pack, the rest of the pack are their closest relatives and descendants. Both the male and the female never cheat on each other, and in the event of the death of one of them, the partner left alone loses his leadership position and gives way to the leader's place to another pair of dogs that have proven their superiority in battles with the rest.
