How Wolves Live

How Wolves Live
How Wolves Live

Table of contents:


Wolves live in packs. One flock can contain from 7 to 20 predators. Each wolf collective has its own territory where they hunt and raise their offspring. If wolves-strangers make their way to a foreign land - a deadly fight cannot be avoided.

How wolves live
How wolves live


Step 1

Wolves are predators belonging to the canine (or canine) family. According to statistics, the genus of wolves is the most numerous among all mammals on Earth, however, it includes only 7 species: gray and red wolves, common, black-backed, striped and Ethiopian jackals, coyote, as well as wild and domestic dogs. Outwardly, these predators resemble ordinary dogs, only much larger. However, there is a significant difference between a wolf and a dog: dogs, as you know, are friends of man, which cannot be said about wolves - they have been enemies of man from time immemorial. Since ancient times, in the warm season, wolves attack livestock, and in cold and hungry, they do not disdain humans!

Step 2

Wolves are called the most successful big game predators, as well as professionals in collective round-ups and corrals. And all because these animals are collective hunters. That is why they easily cope with such large mammals as moose, bulls or deer. Usually a pack of wolves is divided into two groups: the first part of the predators drives the prey into an ambush, where their relatives are waiting for it, who are assigned the role of executioners. It is worth noting that the skills of collective hunting of wolves require ingenuity and coordination of actions from them.

Step 3

It is curious that the collectivity of these predators can be traced not only in hunting, but also in everyday life. The fact is that wolves live in whole flocks of 7-20 predators. As usual, each pack of wolves has its own possessions - territories that strangers from neighboring packs do not have the right to enter. If the aliens entered someone else's territory, then the fight cannot be avoided. Often, such skirmishes end tragically for some individuals. Each pack of wolves has its own leader - an experienced and strong predator, to whom the whole pack obeys. This is an unchanging wolf tradition.

Step 4

Wolves live in dens, and only one male and one female can live in one den. So wolves form a semblance of social cells of society. In the spring, wolf cubs appear in a pair of wolves. By the way, these predators are very caring and patient parents: not only the female, but also the male feeds and brings up their brood.

Step 5

Humanity has always fought and continues to fight these predators, exterminating them. However, wolves do not always only bring harm. For example, in the forests, these predators perform the work of real orderlies, eating dead or sick animals that poison the life of all living things. The number of wolves currently leaves much to be desired, since humanity has practically exterminated them.
