There are many unusual animals in the world. This category also includes an amazing animal, which is called a liger. Don't let the strangeness of its name scare you, because its history is very interesting.

There are two varieties of such an animal: a liger (lion and tiger) is a cub of a lion and a tigress, and a tigon (a tiger and a lion, or in another way a lion) is a tiger and a lioness.
Lions and tigers do not occur naturally. The former live in the savannas of Africa, the latter - in the jungles of India and the Far East. However, in zoos, due to a lack of space, animals are planted as babies in one cage. The animals grow up together, eat from the same bowl, and when they become adults, kittens are born to them, which would never have happened in natural conditions. That is why it affects the offspring. It turns out to be bred in one or two pairs out of about a hundred, and the cubs are more like their dad. Hence the two subspecies and their corresponding names.
Ligers are more common than tigons. They have a golden coat with fuzzy stripes on the sides and back, as well as spots on the belly. A male liger can grow a mane, but not as thick as his father's, and this does not always happen. From the tigress they get the ability to swim, but they still growl like a lion. Ligers are considered the largest cats on the planet. Unlike females, males are sterile, so it is impossible to breed this species.
Tigons are extremely rare. There are only a few individuals on Earth. Tigers are less likely to associate with lionesses. Apparently, they poorly recognize their mating behavior. Often Tigons are born prematurely and die. Although they are rare animals, they attract less attention than ligons, because they are not as large as their fellow cats. But there is an outward resemblance. They are orange in color and have streaks and specks too. Males wear a thin mane. Tigons emit a roar in which both lion and tiger sounds can be recognized. Males do not produce offspring, and females are able to interbreed with both lions and tigers.