An uncastrated cat can mark the territory and harass the owners with loud screams, so often the owners of such animals decide to give their pet to the veterinary clinic for surgery. To be sure of your decision, you should first weigh the pros and cons.

Disadvantages of castration
Castration is an inappropriate option when it comes to a good purebred cat with an excellent pedigree. A high-class animal usually only undergoes this operation after a sufficient number of kittens have been obtained from it. This contributes to the improvement of the breed.
If you entrust the operation to an inexperienced veterinarian, castration can be risky. It should also be noted that the reaction of the animal to the anesthesia may be “wrong”, and this will complicate the situation. However, if you choose a good veterinarian, problems can be avoided.
A castrated cat must be looked after for at least one day after the operation. Of course, this procedure is much easier than sterilization, so the owners will have fewer problems, but they will appear anyway. You must be prepared to monitor the animal when it comes to its senses from anesthesia. Your cat may vomit and almost certainly will urinate uncontrollably, so it is very important to have disposable diapers on for him. It should be borne in mind that after anesthesia, the animal does not yet control its actions: it can suddenly rise and go, and then suddenly fall. It is important to ensure that the cat is not injured.
After surgery, cats often become less active and eat a lot, which can lead to obesity. To solve this problem, it is worth buying special food for neutered animals and playing with your pet more often.
Pros of castration
After castration at an early age, many hormonal problems are solved: the cat does not leave foul-smelling marks in the house, stops screaming and howling loudly, and begins to treat other animals more calmly on its territory. In general, the character of the pet can change for the better: castrated cats often become less aggressive and restless.
If your pet has tried to run away a lot before, it will probably stop doing so now. His life will become safer, and you will feel better, since you do not have to constantly look after the animal.
Castration allows you to avoid the development of some diseases, including the formation of neoplasms in the testes. In general, according to the opinion of veterinarians, this operation extends the life of the animal by 1.5-2 years.
Castration is an ideal way out if an unsterilized cat lives in the house, which is planned to be mated with a specially selected cat to get good offspring.