Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The first vaccinations for puppies are done under the guidance of a veterinarian and only in veterinary clinics that have proven themselves from the best side. Even if you trust the doctors, it will not be superfluous to understand the rules of vaccination of dogs in order to once again make sure that everything goes well and your pet gets into the hands of professionals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Novice breeders and people who, for some reason, have to part with their four-legged friend, often have to post advertisements for the sale of a dog. The more the current owner makes an effort to distribute his note, the sooner the animal will find a new owner
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You've decided to get a dog! Now it is important to decide on the breed of the dog, decide whether it will be a boy or a girl, and, of course, not be mistaken with the choice of the baby. It's not even so much about the exterior as the health of the puppy
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The fauna is diverse and great. What living creatures do not inhabit the planet Earth: this is the largest animal in the world - a blue whale, and the fattest snake in the world - a green anaconda, and even the smallest monkey on Earth - a dwarf marmoset, which is such a cute and funny creature that about it is impossible for her to be silent
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Acquiring a dog is a joy, but in order for a pet to coexist safely with you, you need to explain to him the rules of behavior in the apartment. In particular, that at night, when you are resting, he should also sleep. Instructions Step 1 Get your dog a comfy bed or make one out of the box
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The puppy is accustomed to a collar and leash from about two months of age. For small breeds, a harness is preferable, since it does not injure the spine, for puppies of medium and large breeds, a collar is quite suitable. The collar is chosen so that two fingers pass between it and the neck
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If you decide to have a Pekingese puppy, the question immediately arises: what should you call this adorable creature? After all, I want to choose a unique beautiful name that will suit this particular breed of dog. How to do it? Instructions Step 1 If you purchased a Pekingese from a kennel, it is possible that the breeder has already given the puppy a name
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A unique natural product - beeswax - is still fraught with mysteries, revealing possible areas of its application. Scientists have not managed to synthesize this product artificially, forcing people to once again turn to their little noble helpers, bees
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Dogs, especially young ones, explore the world, tasting everything: linoleum, furniture, wallpaper. If you do not wean the dog from this activity in a timely manner, it can develop into a "hobby". You may not get any results simply by punishing your pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Do you want your dog to always look great? Then you will have to master the professions of a hairdresser and manicurist for your pet! Instructions Step 1 To begin with, there are dog breeds that don't need a grooming. For example, Dobermans or German Shepherds
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Chow-chow grooming (grooming) is one of the elements of pet hair care. With this type of care, the length is left natural almost throughout the body, except for the hair of the paws. Thinning scissors are required for a haircut. It is carried out by picking up excess hairs and clipping them
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Rabies is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases affecting primarily the dog's nervous system. Symptoms appear several days after infection, so the slightest change in the behavior of a four-legged pet should immediately alert the owner
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The popular expression "eyes like an eagle" is known, but not everyone can imagine how these amazing birds see the world. If we take the vision of eagles as 100 percent, then the human will make up only 52 percent of it. At the same time, sharpness is not the only advantage of the eagles' vision
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
It is believed that trying to teach a kitten some commands is a thankless job and will not bring the desired result. But with patience, you can train your cat to follow some commands. It is necessary Treats, patience. Instructions Step 1 First, teach the kitten to the command "
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Some dog owners complain that their four-legged pets periodically spoil the furniture in the apartment, or rather, gnaw at it. Some justify this behavior of animals by bad education. Others believe that their pets chew on furniture based on their natural instincts
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Taking care of a small puppy is not an easy task, it needs to be trained, fed, walked, regularly shown to the veterinarian, and much more. But all these troubles will definitely pay off, because you will have a devoted and faithful friend who will love and protect you, and if you raise your dog correctly, it will not cause you any trouble in the future
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
So you've decided to get a dog. At the family council, it was decided that it would be a German shepherd. How to buy a dog of this breed correctly? Instructions Step 1 First of all, confirm your decision to have a dog of this particular breed
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed appeared in the USSR. These dogs are devoted human defenders. The excellent performance of the representatives of the breed makes it possible to use them as assistants even in the most severe climatic conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
So, a funny yapping creature settled in your house. But here's the problem - the dog at the same time strives to bite the hands of everyone who wants to show their friendliness to her. How to deal with this? Instructions Step 1 If the puppy is not yet 4 months old, then the problem with biting is quite childish
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Several animals all over the world have the most developed intelligence. Scientists say this. The fact is that at present it is not possible to identify one of the smartest animals in the world, especially since the intellectual features of several species of living beings at once are striking in their uniqueness
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Domestic cats are distinguished not only by the ability to land on all four legs, but also by an extremely graceful, truly unique gait. Unlike dogs, they move completely imperceptibly, and while running they can reach speeds of up to 45 km / h
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Service dogs include domestic dogs, which are used for driving, guard, search, shepherd and other types of services. This group of breeds has a well-developed instinct to protect the house, things and the owner. Often these dogs are characterized by malice and extreme distrust of strangers
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The history of the emergence of such a breed of dogs as the spaniel goes back centuries. The first mention of these dogs dates back to the 16th century. Today there are many varieties of spaniels: small decorative, Irish water, American and English cocker spaniels
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats can be trained to walk directly into the toilet. This will take a certain amount of time - from several weeks to months. To get started, your cat should already be at least litter box accustomed. The main idea is that transplanting a cat from a litter box to a toilet bowl should take place in several stages
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are several ways to train your cat or cat to use the toilet. Some of them may seem so complex that the owners of these pets give up the idea, never making a single attempt to implement it. This method is quite simple and accessible even to those who have never dealt with these cute animals before
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
It happens that the dog is thoroughbred, and promising in terms of exhibitions, but one ear does not want to get up. Faced with such a problem, there is no need to be upset, it is possible that the time has simply not yet come. If the age has already approached, and the ear stubbornly hangs, it is not necessary that you have a defective dog, the problem may be different
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Previously, dogs were rarely washed. Now veterinarians recommend washing the dog as the coat gets dirty. And in urban conditions a lot of dirt and dust accumulates on the dog. The coat becomes greasy. The dog needs to be taught to wash in the bath from childhood - from four months
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Raising a dog is an indispensable condition, the purpose of which is to grow out of it an obedient and balanced four-legged friend. Instructions Step 1 Raising a dog is a very responsible and demanding activity, patience and time
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
So the long-awaited moment has come, the puppy you have chosen for the first time appeared in a new house. Ahead is an exciting stage in the development of the territory. But what will happen next? The little dog climbs where it is not needed, does not obey you at all and does not understand at all what you require of him
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Shar Pei is primarily an intelligent, but independent dog with a developed sense of self-esteem. An excellent security guard, he is selflessly devoted to his family. Despite the rather frowning expression of the muzzle, Shar Pei are quite sociable dogs
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Beetles are the most diverse representatives on the planet. There are about 250 thousand of them. In Russia alone, there are about 13 thousand species. They are predators and herbivores. Instructions Step 1 Beetles are found everywhere:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Each dog breed has its own standards. Quite often, owners are faced with the problem of setting the ears of their pets. It should be remembered that an unprofessional procedure can lead not only to incorrect ear positioning, but also to serious health problems for the puppy
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
When purchasing a dog, you must understand all the responsibility, the amount of which does not depend on the size of your pet. Little Yorkies also need to be educated and trained, just like "real" big dogs. With good care and upbringing, these dogs can live up to 16 years
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
An active cat usually has no claw problems. They grind off her naturally during walks. But if your cat is sick, inactive, then the claws grow back. They cling to sofa, carpet and other furniture. You can keep your furniture safe and make your cat's life easier with a simple clipping procedure
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The American Cocker Spaniel is a beautiful graceful dog with long silky hair. However, it must be remembered that the coat, which gives such originality and charm to the appearance of the spaniel, needs constant care. It is highly desirable that the grooming of the animal is done by a professional groomer
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The Spaniel is a friendly and cheerful dog that will surely become a favorite in the family. These dogs are beautiful, non-aggressive, sociable, get along well with children. However, having decided to purchase a dog of this breed, it is worth learning some of the features of caring for this handsome long-eared man
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The spaniel is one of the most popular dog breeds. Active, but at the same time docile, they quickly become the favorites of both children and their parents. However, before you start a dog of this breed, you should learn more about some of the features to consider when caring for it
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Toilet training is one of the most important steps in dog etiquette. In the period until all the necessary vaccinations have been delivered, your pet cannot be taken outside, so the way out of this situation is to train your dachshund to the litter box
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A small puppy at home is both joy and anxiety. One of the problems is the puppy pissing and pooping at home. Don't worry, dogs are clean animals. Sooner or later, your dog will understand that you need to go to the toilet outside. But you have to make some effort for this
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Pugs are wonderful animals, kind, intelligent and loyal. Like any living creature, they need attention and affection. If a pug puppy appears in the apartment, he must be educated and instilled in him good habits. One of them will be the habit of peeing in a certain place - most owners tend to teach the pug to go to the litter box