How To Find Out The Breed Of A Dog

How To Find Out The Breed Of A Dog
How To Find Out The Breed Of A Dog

When a person acquires a puppy with correctly executed documents, usually there are no problems with determining the breed. But in many cases, a dog gets into the house of its owners by accident, after buying it in the market, by an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet, or it was simply found on the street. Over time, when the puppy begins to grow up, people still want to determine the breed of their pet. What points should you pay attention to when examining a dog?

How to find out the breed of a dog
How to find out the breed of a dog

Examination of the dog's appearance

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how to find out what breed a dog has

First of all, check the height and weight of the four-legged. Such data are usually found in catalogs of dog breeds.

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how to find out the breed of a puppy

Pay particular attention to the type of animal's face. It can be sharp, flattened, normal, sloping, angular, hairy. So, a bulldog has a flat muzzle, and a spitz has a pointed one.

Determine the type of ears: erect, short, drooping, bent. For example, the German Shepherd has erect ears, and greyhounds are usually lop-eared.

The structure of the body is also different. Some dogs have a short body, while others have an elongated body. In addition, you can navigate by the structure of the paws. The latter are short, medium or long. On this basis, you definitely will not confuse Terriers, Dachshunds, Bassets, Westphalian Bracque with other breeds.

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The color and length of the coat in dogs are different. Long-haired breeds - Spaniel, Setter, Collie, Komondor, Belgian Shepherd, Newfoundland. Smooth-haired - Bulldogs, Dachshund, Great Dane, Beagle, Boxer, Pug.

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Observation of its behavior will allow to determine the breed of a dog. Among tetrapods, there are also individuals of various temperaments: choleric, phlegmatic, or melancholic. So, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Poodles, almost all dwarf dogs are choleric. They are extremely active and agile.

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Great danes, boxers, collies, dachshunds, Labradors and poodles are excellent at remembering commands and obedient. Representatives of many large breeds are often somewhat melancholic and unbalanced - Great Dane, St. Bernard, American Bulldog, Mastiff. They can hardly get along with other pets and need increased attention.

How to determine the breed of a dog accurately

There are about 400 officially registered dog breeds only, and the number is steadily growing. Their detailed descriptions and photographs can be found in special catalogs.

But the exact answer to the question of how to determine the breed of a dog can only be a DNA test, a qualified veterinarian or an experienced dog handler during a personal examination of the animal.

If the dog is not purebred

Today, many keep in their private house or apartment yard dogs, which they found on the street. Such four-legged in many ways are in no way inferior to their pedigree brethren, and often turn out to be much smarter and more loyal than them.

If your pet turned out to be not purebred, do not be discouraged. In any case, your relationship with the dog is much more important than what kind of breed it belongs to.