The popular expression "eyes like an eagle" is known, but not everyone can imagine how these amazing birds see the world. If we take the vision of eagles as 100 percent, then the human will make up only 52 percent of it. At the same time, sharpness is not the only advantage of the eagles' vision.

Step 1
Eagles have the best eyesight not only among birds, but among all living things on Earth. Eagles see not only more clearly and further, but also brighter. In addition, they distinguish between ultraviolet rays. Some scientists compare the work of the eagle eye to the functioning of a telephoto lens.

Step 2
If a person had eagle eyesight, he could see the expressions on the faces of theatrical actors, sitting on the last row in the hall and insects crawling on the ground, being on the tenth floor of the building.

Step 3
As a result of numerous experiments, it was found that eagles' retinas are designed in such a way that they are able to perceive more light than humans and all other creatures. This allows them to distinguish more small details. A kite notices carrion lying on the ground from a height of 2000 meters.

Step 4
Like humans, eagles have binocular vision and focus quickly. At the same time, their viewing angle is much larger than that of humans and is as much as 275 degrees. They are perfectly oriented in space and are able to determine the location of prey located several kilometers away from themselves. The eagles' panoramic vision covers an area of more than 7 square kilometers.

Step 5
Interestingly, the vision of these phenomenal birds, among other things, develops as they mature.

Step 6
As for the structure of the eyes, in addition to a pair of eyelids that protect the retina during rest, eagles have so-called blinking membranes that protect their eyes during flight from the pressure of wind, bright sun and dust.
Step 7
Another characteristic feature of eagles, like many other birds, is the presence of two “yellow spots” in the fundus. The “macula” is the point where the largest number of light-sensitive cells (rods and cones) are concentrated. Two of these spots give the birds a distinct advantage. Eagles equally clearly see two objects located at a decent distance from each other.