Cats Or Dogs - Their Role In The Family

Cats Or Dogs - Their Role In The Family
Cats Or Dogs - Their Role In The Family

People have pets for different purposes. Sometimes, not noticing how they become attached to their pets, which over the years become real friends and family members.

Cats and dogs are our best friends
Cats and dogs are our best friends

A dog is man's best friend

Indeed, the dog will never betray and will help out at the most crucial moment, will protect. Perfect for guarding a house or a plot in a country house or a private house, the cat is also a faithful assistant and hunter for rodents. On the hunt, a hunting dog will help, and you will also get a hunter. Our pets help us a lot in life, play an important role in it.

An indisputable plus of pets is help in raising children, the animal forms a sense of responsibility and an emotional component, especially if it was the child who brought him into the house. But first you need to ask him if he is ready to take care of his pet, feed and drink, this is a good educational element.

Caring is an act of love and a good rehearsal for a child before a potential relationship. It is necessary that the child is aware of the degree of his participation and responsibility, and the parents are always ready to help in difficult situations.

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to imagine their life without matured children who are going to create their own family. We have to look for a "replacement" for them, as a pet looks great in this capacity, about which there will be additional care, and the period of separation will not be so painful from a psychological point of view.

Many people talk with their pets, according to some data, 95%, thereby finding an outlet in this, and dogs and cats act as psychotherapists, some kind of healers of the soul, especially if a person lives alone, alas, these are frequent cases. The pet in this case acts as a real friend. As you know, a cat brings happiness to the house, if black, then according to legends, good and harmony, relieves the house of evil.

It is recommended to launch a cat into a new house for a start, and if a cat lives with you, then all the prerogatives of the main family go to him, as any grandmother - a cat lady will tell you. Scientists have found 560 million brain neurons in dogs and 230 million in cats. This confirms the higher level of intelligence of dogs, because they have more lifestyle and the number of commands executed. Indeed, dogs are trainable, unlike cats.

Heroic feat of cats and cats

In St. Petersburg, a memorial was erected to the cats, saviors of the besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, when our smaller brothers hunted for rodents, thereby leaving grain that was saved for the mill, where they ground flour for bread, because people had nothing to eat. Everyone suffered from the invasion of the city of rats: both adults and children, but cats saved many lives, thereby becoming the real winners in this war against rodents. There were no cats in the city after its liberation, and rats multiplied at an unprecedented rate. By order, four carriages of cats were delivered to Leningrad, which were collected from all over Siberia.
