So the long-awaited moment has come, the puppy you have chosen for the first time appeared in a new house. Ahead is an exciting stage in the development of the territory. But what will happen next? The little dog climbs where it is not needed, does not obey you at all and does not understand at all what you require of him. How to turn a restless and sometimes capricious puppy into an obedient and intelligent dog?

Step 1
Nature has decreed that the puppy adopts the very first skills from its mother. She shows him how to behave and who to defend against. Everything happens at the level of instincts, and therefore it is intuitively understandable for a small creature. The man begins to train the dog. The sooner you start doing this, the better your chances of success. From the very first minutes in the new home, allow or forbid the puppy what you think is necessary.

Step 2
For training to be successful, it is important to understand your dog. Using materials on the Internet, books and information received from breeders, study the behavior of dogs of the breed that you got yourself.

Step 3
Another important point is the repetition and consolidation of skills. What you have taught your dog, he must not forget.

Step 4
If the puppy gets dirty in the apartment, it is completely useless to scold him, let alone beat him. You need to take a rag and wipe up the puddle made by the puppy. Treat the place in the apartment with a special product purchased at a pet store. Take the rag outside the next time you walk your puppy. He recognizes the smell and will do his thing where it should be. Perhaps this will not happen the first time, but it will definitely happen. Do not forget to praise and reward your pet if he did everything right.

Step 5
It often happens that the puppy whines in the absence of the owner. It is worth going to another room, and the dog already begins to squeak plaintively and look for you. This must be fought. First, leave the bedroom and go to the kitchen for a minute, then two, five, and so on. By increasing the time of your absence, you will train your dog to wait for you. If your puppy whines or barks, wait until it dies down before returning to the room.

Step 6
A sharp collar will help you wean your dog from barking aimlessly. Negative motivation is a very effective way of training. If the doorbell rang and the dog started barking, lightly pull the leash and give the command “place” or “sit”. Twitching the leash gently will help your puppy learn the "no" and "fu" commands.
Step 7
Begging pets is a scourge for many owners. As soon as you sit down at the table, the puppy is already spinning under your feet, begging for something tasty. It is especially hard when guests come. Food from the human table is not only harmful, but also dangerous for pets. Ignore your dog's plaintive looks and whimpering. The table for her is a strict prohibition that must not be violated.
Step 8
If you return from work and find that the dog has created a mess in the apartment, it means that it lacks activity. The animal simply has nothing to throw out the seething energy. The solution to the problem is walking (both in the morning and in the evening) with mandatory physical activity. Train your dog to bring you a stick, jump over obstacles. If your pet chews on slippers or chair legs, buy special toys for him. Dogs are the smartest creatures, they will quickly understand what can be gnawed with impunity, and what is prohibited.
Step 9
If you cannot solve any problem related to raising a dog, contact a specialist. The trainer will teach her the necessary commands and give a number of valuable tips.