How To Clean A Wound For A Cat

How To Clean A Wound For A Cat
How To Clean A Wound For A Cat

Table of contents:


Wounds in cats are quite common and always occur unexpectedly, so every animal owner should not get confused in such a situation and properly treat tissue damage in his pet.

How to clean a wound for a cat
How to clean a wound for a cat

It is necessary

  • - sterile bandage or gauze;
  • - scissors;
  • - cotton swab;
  • - brilliant green;
  • - iodine;
  • - vodka or alcohol;
  • - tweezers;
  • - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • - streptocide tablet;
  • - petroleum jelly;


Step 1

Stop the bleeding before proceeding directly to the treatment of the wound itself. To do this, take a sterile bandage and cut a small piece from it with scissors, which you then attach to the animal's wound. Gently press the bandage to the wound surface, hold it and make sure that the bleeding has stopped. If the animal continues to lose blood, then do not hesitate and urgently contact your veterinarian!

wet wavs at the cat
wet wavs at the cat

Step 2

Only after making sure that your cat is no longer threatened with blood loss, proceed to the processing of damaged tissues. Make a swab out of a piece of sterile cotton wool and soak it in a disinfectant hydrogen peroxide solution. Next, carefully and carefully treat the area around the wound with this cotton swab, removing bloody and purulent discharge. Do not rinse clotted blood directly from the wound.

how to heal a cat's wounds
how to heal a cat's wounds

Step 3

Take a pair of scissors, lightly lubricate them with petroleum jelly, or simply wet them with water and cut the fur around your animal's wound. Do not use scissors dry or not lubricated with petroleum jelly, otherwise you will contaminate the cat's wound with the sheared hair, which is highly undesirable. After that, carefully examine the damaged tissues of your pet for foreign objects, such as glass or grains of sand. If you manage to find them, then carefully remove them from there using tweezers pre-treated with vodka or alcohol.

How to clean a wound after cat castration
How to clean a wound after cat castration

Step 4

With a cotton swab dipped in any liquid that has a disinfectant effect (this can be brilliant green, iodine, vodka or alcohol), lubricate the skin around the wound. If you do not have special wound healing powders on hand, used for treating wounds in veterinary medicine, take a streptocide tablet, which is available in almost every home, crush it into a fine powder and spray directly onto the damaged tissue of the animal.

Step 5

Cut a piece of sterile gauze or bandage and attach it to the injury, covering the wound. Secure the dressing as tightly as possible with a bandage and change it twice a day until the wound is completely healed.
