Labradors are one of the most common dog breeds, as their representatives are not only smart and active, but also have a balanced temperament. However, in order for all the positive qualities to be fully developed, Labradors need proper education.

Step 1
Start raising your Labrador puppy from the minute you have it. However, since it is too small to learn everything, start learning gradually. First of all, you will have to hide everything that can tempt the puppy: shoes or toys scattered on the floor, wires lying carelessly on the floor.

Step 2
Don't let your puppy go to bed anywhere - he should have his own space. Set aside a place for him (it should not be located near heaters or in a draft) and lay a mat for him there. If the puppy falls asleep in the wrong place, gently take it to its bedding and pet it.

Step 3
Punish your puppy immediately after committing a misdemeanor, because if you scold him later, he will not be able to understand why you are angry with him. As a punishment, the labrador can be slapped with a folded newspaper or magazine, and sometimes it is enough just to scold him severely, shaking him slightly or pressing him to the floor before.

Step 4
From the first days of your baby's stay in your home, teach him the commands "no", "place". In addition, you need to bring up a Labrador puppy so that when you call him, he will come up to you unquestioningly. At first, you can achieve this with a piece of delicacy and an affectionate voice. Repeat this until the puppy develops a reflex to obey your call.

Step 5
From 4 months of age, take long walks with your puppy so that he is not embarrassed by people, traffic, noise, smells and sounds unfamiliar to him. Plus, it will be a great opportunity to teach your dog how to walk properly on a leash.

Step 6
If you want to teach your puppy to calmly wait for you at the entrance to shops or establishments where entry with dogs is prohibited - tie him at the entrance and quickly leave. If he starts whining and struggling, come back, show your displeasure, give the command “sit, place” and leave again.