What Breed Of Dog Is Best For A Home With Children

What Breed Of Dog Is Best For A Home With Children
What Breed Of Dog Is Best For A Home With Children

Children often ask to give them a four-legged friend, and many parents agree, because taking care of a puppy teaches the baby to be responsible and caring. But not every dog is suitable for a home with children. Your future pet should be active enough to enjoy playing ball and catching with your child, but at the same time patiently and resignedly endure attempts to pull on his ears or tail.

What breed of dog is best for a home with children
What breed of dog is best for a home with children

Still, a small child should not have a dog, despite all his requests. Firstly, a three to five year old baby simply cannot help you in caring for the animal, and secondly, at this age, the child does not yet understand when he hurts the dog. This does not mean that young children are evil, it is just that until a certain age they do not know how to empathize. But the first grader can already be entrusted with an animal.

Small dogs for children

It is better for a small child to have a small dog that does not knock him to the ground by pulling on the leash. Moreover, many small breeds are active and get along well with children. Pay attention to the cocker spaniel - a cheerful participant in children's games, restless, loyal and good-natured. Cocker Spaniels need grooming, but if you are willing to take your dog to the hairdresser periodically, it can become a loyal friend for your child.

Show your child the Walt Disney cartoon "Lady and the Tramp", in which the main character was a cocker spaniel, and he will surely agree that this is the best breed in the world.

The poodle is a breed familiar to many. Regardless of the size, the poodle always remains a contented rascal who is not averse to having fun with the baby. This dog does not need long walks, but it is quite active at home.

One of the indisputable advantages of poodles is their long lifespan. These dogs live to be 16 years old.

The Yorkshire Terrier also loves children. This breed is very popular and your child will surely like it, especially if you have a daughter, because you can dress up a Yorkie and pin his bows on long bangs. It is not necessary to walk with the dog for a long time, but it will be happy to accompany the little owner both at home and in the yard. You should be prepared to pay regularly for trimming from a professional, as well as take care of the pet's coat at home.

Large dogs suitable for children

A teenager can buy a large dog that will become not only a friend to him, but also a protector. The German Shepherd is perfect for this purpose - a national favorite with smart eyes and a big heart. This dog will gladly run after the ball and bring a plate, but if necessary, he will easily chase the offender away.

Labrador and Labrador Retrievers are also family dogs. Few things are more touching than fat-footed Labrador puppies, but as they grow up, these dogs remain cheerful and attractive in appearance. They are active, but docile at the same time, and will do everything possible to please the owner.
