When purchasing a dog, you must understand all the responsibility, the amount of which does not depend on the size of your pet. Little Yorkies also need to be educated and trained, just like "real" big dogs. With good care and upbringing, these dogs can live up to 16 years.

Step 1
Before the baby appears in your house, remove all objects dangerous for him: foam rubber, electrical wires, medicines. Set it up in a warm place so that it is not walk-through and is not in a draft.

Step 2
Handle your little puppy very carefully. If you pick it up in your arms, hold it firmly so that the nimble puppy does not slip out of your hands. From the first days, make sure that he is not left alone on an armchair or sofa, for him such a height is very dangerous.

Step 3
Walking in open areas, where there is a danger of getting under the feet or wheels of cars, must always be with a tape measure.

Step 4
When buying toys for him, make sure they are not made of plastic, they must be latex. Make sure he can't gnaw them or tear them apart, so that the baby does not choke. And do not overwhelm him with toys, it is better to give one at a time, and remove the old ones, so that later to please the pet with them, as if they were new.

Step 5
Strictly monitor his diet and do not allow, even as a delicacy, to eat those products that are categorically impossible for him: spicy, salty, finished, sweet starchy foods. Citrus fruits cannot be categorically. If you feed your dog with dry food, then do not change the manufacturer abruptly. Gradually replace one food with another over the course of a week. Do not use dry and natural food at the same time. Pre-soak dry food for 40 minutes in water and heat it up in the microwave before feeding.

Step 6
Every morning, carry out hygiene procedures: wipe the hair near the eyes with a special solution or warm boiled water, comb it towards the nose with a comb with fine teeth. Use a special brush to brush the hair on the body for several minutes. Cut the nails of puppies every two weeks, for older dogs every 3-4 weeks. Cut the hair on the ears, legs and under the tail monthly.
Step 7
For washing, use special "dog" shampoos and balms, you can also "human", but from good manufacturers. Wool is one of the main adornments of Yorkies. Dry it with a hairdryer and make sure that there are no drafts and the dog does not catch a cold.
Step 8
And be sure to educate your baby and teach the most necessary commands that will help prevent the dangers that lurk small dogs literally at every step. Take care of your dog, and he will live a rich and fulfilling life with you until old age.