It happens that the dog is thoroughbred, and promising in terms of exhibitions, but one ear does not want to get up. Faced with such a problem, there is no need to be upset, it is possible that the time has simply not yet come. If the age has already approached, and the ear stubbornly hangs, it is not necessary that you have a defective dog, the problem may be different.

Step 1
Pay close attention to your dog's diet. Sometimes the animal simply does not have enough nutrients that are involved in building cartilage tissue. The ears will not rise from porridge, so replace it partially with more high-calorie and vitamin-rich foods. Feed your dog bones, special foods, and foods high in calcium. Beef broth on the bone, cottage cheese, eggs and milk helps the formation of ears well.

Step 2
Make a dog-ear triangle out of cardboard. Place it on the back and stick with adhesive tape. If you make the triangle out of a soft material but tight enough, you can insert it from the inside of your ear. The animal must wear this design for several months. Do not use glue instead of adhesive tape, because it can cause allergic reactions, which are also found in animals. But not every dog will agree to this. It is not very convenient to walk with a cardboard on your ear.

Step 3
Visit your veterinarian. He will examine your pet and give more accurate recommendations. Sometimes a special design is made or bought in the shape of a dog's head, which must be worn for a strictly allotted time. The period of wear is determined by the doctor, starting from the individual characteristics of the structure of the ear, which are characteristic of the dog's breed, as well as from the degree of deviation. Your veterinarian may prescribe special medications to help shape the ear.