Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The diagnosis given to a beloved pet is a terrible sentence for the owner, especially if it is enteritis. At the first signs of this disease, you urgently need to contact your veterinarian to prescribe the correct treatment for your pet. To prevent enteritis from recurring, you need to know how it is transmitted
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Some courageous people, wanting to have a pet that does not require special care and daily walking, choose spiders. To determine the most suitable pet for you, before buying, consult with an arachnologist, because the lifespan of spider breeds is different, and in some species it is minimal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The fauna of the Urals is rich and varied. It is based on typical representatives of the forest of the Central Russian strip - hares, bears, wolves, foxes, wild boars. But also there are found their own, unique species. Roe deer is the smallest deer This adorable animal with large eyes and soft fur is only a meter in height
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It is customary to call the type of move of a horse an allure. At the same time, horses have standard types of gaits, which differ from each other in the nature of the setting of the legs during movement, and most importantly - in speed. The term "
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The adorable Pekingese does not leave indifferent even those who do not particularly like dogs. But those who, succumbing to the charm of the Pekingese, want to settle it in their house by all means, it is worth remembering that this is not a living toy, but a living creature
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Rodents are popular pets. They are relatively small in size and tend to be easier to care for than a cat or dog. A small rodent is able to become real family members, and his illness will surely upset the owners. Signs of illness The animal will not tell you that it feels bad, and will not show with a finger exactly where it hurts
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The choice of a pet is a purely individual matter. As the saying goes, all animals taste and color are different. Therefore, some people have neither cats or dogs, but a small and nimble animal - a decorative rat. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for the care and maintenance of this rodent
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Madagascar hissing cockroaches are of constant interest among connoisseurs of exotic insects. They represent not one species, but a whole genus of cockroaches. They live in Madagascar, in other countries they can be found in terrariums. Instructions Step 1 Madagascar hissing cockroaches belong to the ancient order of cockroaches, in which there are about 3500 species
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Pets are family members, beloved friends, and are tenderly cared for. From time to time, any person has a desire to make himself a fluffy or not very friend who will not lie, will not betray and will give many hours of genuine joy. But when the decision to have a pet is made, the question arises of how to do it correctly
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The name of the breed "giant rabbits" speaks for itself. These beautiful representatives of the fauna are the big brothers of all the famous little eared furry. There are more than a dozen breeds of long-eared giants. Caring for these handsome men is not difficult
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When a horse is sold, the cost is formed based on the pedigree, awards received and, most importantly, the number of documentary evidence provided. In case you have little or not enough documents to support your words, no amount of verbal assurances will help you sell the horse at the price you want
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Clothing for dogs is not a luxury, as it might seem at first glance. Pets are quite gentle creatures, so a warm blanket or jacket will allow your pet to enjoy the walk and not freeze. The waterproof jumpsuit will allow the dog not to get its coat dirty, even when there is slush outside
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Many people lack warmth, affection, care. To cope with loneliness, they make four-legged friends who patiently wait for your return home, caress and ask you to play with them. So in a matter of minutes, you can forget about all the problems and difficulties of the day lived
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Your dog, your loyal and reliable friend, needs not only your love, but also protection, even if it is not a tiny toy terrier, but a huge dogue de bordeaux. Why should you protect your pet? From aggression from other dogs, from disease, from abduction, from heat in summer, from cold in winter, and from fleas and ticks in spring, and this is not a complete list
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Ticks are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and piroplasmosis. If the first disease poses a serious danger to humans, then the second can undermine the dog's health and even lead to its death. That is why when the first snow melts, it is necessary to protect your pet from these parasites by all possible methods
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Pregnancy is a period when your dog requires close attention and more careful grooming. Indeed, during this period, you need to take care not only of her, but also of her future offspring. Instructions Step 1 Healthy, full-fledged puppies will be born only to a dog that is provided with proper nutrition and proper care
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Quite often, owners of purebred dogs are faced with an unpleasant problem - the wrong bite. This disadvantage leads to the fact that the dog cannot participate in exhibitions and competitions, and future puppies will not receive documents. How to deal with the problem?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The German Shepherd is a wonderful friend and helper of man, an intelligent and friendly animal. However, these inclinations also need to be developed by raising a dog. Keeping German Shepherds also has its own characteristics related to the physiology of the dog
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It so happens that the dog constantly whines and annoys the owner. An attentive and patient owner should try to convince his pet that it is not worth whining about and without reason. Instructions Step 1 Begin to wean the dog from whining from longing for his beloved owner, who is, for example, only in the forbidden territory for the pet (in the bedroom, toilet, bathroom) since puppyhood
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Service breeds of dogs - shepherds and Labradors - lend themselves well to training. From time immemorial, during the selection of these species, individuals were selected that best understood and performed human commands. There are also quite intelligent and easily trained mongrels, schnauzers, dogs of fighting and guard breeds
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It is believed that humans once also had a tail, but modern homo sapiens have only one or two rudimentary vertebrae left of it in the coccyx region, and even then not all of them. However, all representatives of the feline family - including domestic cats - have tails, and, judging by the behavior of these animals, they are very proud of their tails
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Flies easily penetrate a person's home and greatly annoy him with their omnipresence. Insect paws end with claws and sticky pads. Thanks to them, flies move on various surfaces. Insect saliva contains enzymes that liquefy solid food. They feed on decaying organic residues and human food
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The Etruscan shrew (pygmy shrew) is officially recognized as the smallest mammal on Earth. This shrew is a real baby among insectivorous mammals! Its weight is 1.5 grams and its length is 3 centimeters. It is worth describing this baby in more detail
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Nature created predators as conquerors. And even a pet can do nothing with instincts. In turn, this feature of feline behavior gives the owners a lot of trouble and can even lead to parting with their beloved animal. To avoid this, a person needs to outwit the animal instinct of a cat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Toilet training is a very important step in a dog's life. It will take several months before the baby starts asking to go outside. During this period, it is advisable to teach the puppy to walk in the apartment to the same specially prepared place
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Vaccination of dogs is a mandatory procedure. It is she who allows you to properly protect the dog from various diseases that can even be fatal. So you should not forget about it in any case. Instructions Step 1 It is recommended to vaccinate a dog exclusively in a veterinary clinic
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Pregnancy in dogs from conception to delivery lasts an average of 63 days. An error of 2-3 days is related to the number of puppies being bred - if there are more than 3, the bitch will give birth earlier, and if there are 1-2 puppies, it can go a week
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Normal childbirth in cats lasts from 2 to 6 hours, and usually the animal copes with this natural procedure on its own, without human assistance. But in some cases, there may be weakness of labor or difficult patency of the birth canal, so the participation of the owner or even the help of a specialist may be required
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The expectation of offspring in a dog lasts about two months. At this time, the expectant mother needs special care. As a rule, a canine pregnancy proceeds without unpleasant manifestations, but some may experience toxicosis. Regardless of whether the dog has lost its appetite or not, pay serious attention to the nutrition of the animal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The largest bird is the African ostrich. The name of this flightless bird is translated from Greek as "camel sparrow". This giant also lays the largest eggs. Very often, the size of eggs laid by birds is not proportional to the size of the bird itself
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You are thinking about purchasing a puppy. And there and then many questions arise before you. In addition to such questions as what breed to choose a dog, how to look after, how to feed, how to train … a novice dog breeder always has a question:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
"Place" - the dog's own space, its territory, where it can rest and sleep, feeling safe. The first thing you should teach a little puppy, bringing it into your house, is to respond to the nickname and the command "place"
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In raising animals, discipline is extremely important. The animal must feel the authority of the owner, obey him, and execute commands. One of the most important commands in everyday life is the “place” command. Instructions Step 1 In order for the dog to go to its place by itself, it must be comfortable
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Lovely and adorable puppies evoke affection and the desire to pamper them, take them in your arms, and caress them. However, this behavior very quickly leads to the fact that the dog turns (from your point of view) into a real monster: gnaws on slippers, scatters newspapers and tears your bed, often confusing it with a toilet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Train the puppy to the command "place!" follows from the very first days of the appearance of the pet in the house, even if you do not plan to engage in professional training. Getting your dog up on time will help you avoid a lot of trouble in the future
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The degree of unquestionable obedience you want to achieve as you train your dog depends a lot on the breed you choose. Of course, guard dogs and fighting dogs must obey their master perfectly and clearly follow many commands. For companion and indoor dogs, training requirements are much lower
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cats and dogs are very clean animals, they only go to the toilet where their owners have taught them. It is very important, immediately after buying a pet, to teach him how to relieve himself in a strictly designated place. How to train a kitten to the litter box Little kittens go to the toilet immediately after sleeping or eating, so you need to be ready to put the baby in the tray at this moment
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many people are convinced that animals are primitive creatures, driven only by instincts. But those who have an animal at home will not hesitate to say yes to the question of whether animals have intelligence. And not in vain, because there is a lot of scientific evidence for this
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
It's just amazing - how diverse and inventive nature is. One notable example of this is the hummingbird family of about 320 species. This bright, mobile bird lives in the Americas from southern Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Hummingbirds fully deserve the epithets "
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Ornithologists have long known that certain species of birds are capable of making single sounds and even singing not only with the larynx, but also with other parts of the body. For example, rhythmically clicking the beak. And some birds went further and learned to publish their mating songs with their tail