Novice breeders and people who, for some reason, have to part with their four-legged friend, often have to post advertisements for the sale of a dog. The more the current owner makes an effort to distribute his note, the sooner the animal will find a new owner.

Step 1
Compose your ad. Describe the dog in detail: breed, color, age. Indicate which vaccinations have been given to the animal. If the dog has any diseases, do not hide them from the future owner. Write about them so that the animal will be acquired by a person who will be ready for difficulties. You should also describe the dignity of the dog - it is accustomed to go to the toilet only on the street, an excellent guard, gets along well with children. Take a picture of the dog - this way customers will respond to your call faster. Specify the price for which you would like to sell the animal - this will save you unnecessary calls.
Step 2
Take advantage of free classifieds newspapers and post your note about selling an animal there. To do this, you need to submit an ad via the Internet, or fill out a special form and send it by regular mail, or contact the editorial office by phone. The newspaper is always writing ways how readers can submit their ads. If you want to sell your pet as soon as possible, you can post a paid ad. It is not too expensive. Such notes are printed at the top of the column and are highlighted in large print.
Step 3
Advertise your dog for sale on city forums. You can post the text on specialized forums of animal lovers, or on citywide in the appropriate section. Be sure to attach a photo of your pet to your message.
Step 4
Social media is hugely popular. Advertise the sale of the dog on the site "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki", on Facebook. If this breed is popular in your city, you can use a local group dedicated to it. Also place an ad in your city group and local animal lover groups. Put an ad for sale in the status and ask your friends to repost it on your page.