Toy Terriers are at the peak of their popularity today. These cute little dogs sit quietly in the arms of their glamorous housewives, do not bark or go to the toilet in public places. Immediately you would not think that serious education is behind such behavior of the dog. But, just like that - starting a toy terrier, be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote some time and attention to raising a dog, since regardless of its size, a spoiled or embittered pet can cause a lot of trouble for the owner.

Step 1
First, train your little toy to use the toilet at home. The dog is so small that it will be comfortable for him to walk in a litter tray or newspaper, and you do not have to get wet in the rain or get up early to walk the pet. To teach a toy terrier to use the toilet, limit the puppy's space to one room, in which you will place several newspapers or diapers. A small puppy often simply cannot control his urges, so if the dog misses and makes a puddle next to the newspaper, strictly tell him "no", blot the diaper in the puddle and put it in the tray so that next time the puppy can find the toilet by smell. Be sure to praise the dog for "hitting the target", give a piece of cookies or cheese. Over time, remove excess newspapers until there is only one left.

Step 2
At the same time, accustom the puppy to its own place. For example, toy people really like the plush houses that are in any pet store. Do not let your puppy sleep on your bed or favorite couch if you do not want an adult dog to take this place later.

Step 3
Teach the toy to wear a collar from childhood. This is necessary for his own safety - on the street you can always control the movement of the dog. Start with a light free collar for a couple of minutes a day, then increase the time and gradually re-strap the collar to the desired size.

Step 4
Since you are likely to be around with your toy terrier quite often, teach your dog not to bark when not needed. Act with a strict "no" or, conversely, just ignore the barking if you think your dog wanted to draw attention to himself in this way.

Step 5
When raising a toy terrier, remember that in no case should you shout at this dog, and even less spank and beat. Only with reasonable severity, encouragement, and most importantly, sincere love, you can make your pet clean, calm and affectionate.