Which Animals Have The Most Developed Intelligence?

Which Animals Have The Most Developed Intelligence?
Which Animals Have The Most Developed Intelligence?

Several animals all over the world have the most developed intelligence. Scientists say this. The fact is that at present it is not possible to identify one of the smartest animals in the world, especially since the intellectual features of several species of living beings at once are striking in their uniqueness.

Dolphins are some of the smartest animals in the world
Dolphins are some of the smartest animals in the world

Primates are some of the smartest animals

Researchers who are engaged in identifying animals with the most developed intelligence turn their attention to their habitat, to the way they live, to the physiological characteristics of the nervous system. In particular, primates are considered one of the most intellectually developed animals in the world. It is to this order of animals that modern biology classifies man. In turn, the most intelligent monkeys are the gorilla and chimpanzee.

Research has shown that these species of monkeys have a well-developed central nervous system. Both gorillas and chimpanzees are able to build social relationships with their relatives. Moreover, these monkeys have some language abilities. Scientists were able to prove that chimpanzees express some of the behaviors typical of Homo sapiens: they can sympathize or rejoice, and these primates have a much better memory than humans.

Dolphins are unique "intellectuals"

Dolphins are yet another animal claiming the unconditional title of the most intellectually advanced creatures in the world. Unfortunately, it is not possible to conduct a complete study of the functioning of the brain of dolphins due to the aquatic habitat of these mammals. Researchers who studied the brain characteristics of dolphins came to the conclusion that the sleep of these animals does not correspond to the principles of habitual rest - the brain of dolphins turns off alternately: while the right hemisphere is resting, the left hemisphere is working, and vice versa.

Due to their outstanding intellectual characteristics, dolphins are perfectly amenable to training: during certain military operations, the British military carried out real sabotage with the help of dolphins. Due to their intellectual characteristics, these mammals get along well with humans, and swimming with dolphins is considered not so much enjoyable as an effective method of treating certain mental illnesses.

Savvy rats

Rats are extremely intelligent animals with a well-developed ingenuity. Scientists who have conducted all kinds of experiments on rats have proven that an old and experienced individual can easily bypass any of the currently existing mousetraps, without falling for even the most delicious bait. In addition, experienced rats can easily identify poisoned food, flatly refusing such a "delicacy".

Smart parrots

Parrots are also considered smart. It is known that some species of these exotic birds are able to imitate human voices, copy them, memorize words and intonations of pronunciation, reproducing full phrases and even sentences. Currently, the smartest parrot in the world is an individual named Baggio, who helps its owner in his professional activities: the parrot knows how to sew, holding a sewing needle in its beak.
