If Your Pet Is A Spaniel

If Your Pet Is A Spaniel
If Your Pet Is A Spaniel

The history of the emergence of such a breed of dogs as the spaniel goes back centuries. The first mention of these dogs dates back to the 16th century. Today there are many varieties of spaniels: small decorative, Irish water, American and English cocker spaniels. Caring for these dogs has some quirks that breeders should be aware of.

Cavalier king charles spaniel
Cavalier king charles spaniel

The nature of the spaniels

The Spaniel is an energetic, active and very sociable dog. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and love of outdoor games. If you dream that a spaniel will live in your house, be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote a lot of time to it. Some representatives of this breed have a very stubborn disposition and need constant training.


The Spaniel is a very active dog that needs frequent walks. You should walk with your pet at a strictly defined time. For the first walk, the spaniel should be taken out in the morning after getting up, the second time you go for a walk in the middle of the day, and the third time you walk with the animal before bedtime. These recommendations apply to adult dogs as puppies need more frequent walks.

Hair care

The coat of spaniels requires particularly careful care, because if you do not pay enough attention to it, the coat can be matted. The dog must not only be bathed and combed regularly, but also cut.

Spaniel puppies should be bathed with care, as these animals are especially prone to colds at a young age.


If you decide to have a spaniel, you should take care of a special pet bowl. The fact is that an ordinary bowl for representatives of this breed will not work because of the long ears, which will be constantly stained in the stern. For a spaniel, it is better to purchase a special tall cup and feeding support. The stand is needed in order to reduce the stress on the neck and head of the animal while eating.

The spaniel's diet should include a sufficient amount of protein. Therefore, your pet's menu should include foods such as poultry, fish and meat. It is important to remember that these foods need to be free of bones and skin so that the pet does not choke while eating. It is also important to give your dog fruits and vegetables to diversify the animal's diet.

Clothes and footwear

For the spaniel, shoes and clothing are not included in the daily necessities list. Some spaniel owners dress their pets in blankets or jumpsuits in winter, but these warm outfits often do more harm than good. The fact is that warm clothing disrupts the process of natural thermoregulation, therefore, wrapping up the dog should only be done if there is a severe frost outside or the animal has a cold.

Spaniel shoes may be required when roads are being treated with chemicals that attack the skin on the paws of animals. Special soft booties can be used as safety shoes in winter.
