Eczema is an inflammatory disease that affects the surface layers of the skin. The disease is considered intractable. Self-medication can worsen the condition of the animal. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to refer the cat to a veterinarian, who, based on a number of tests, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an individual treatment regimen.

Step 1
Eczema can be chronic or acute. Chronic eczema is usually dry. Older animals are especially prone to it. The acute form of the disease is usually accompanied by weeping discharge. It affects mainly cats aged 1-2 years.

Step 2
Usually, the disease goes through several stages: redness of certain areas of the skin, the formation of seals and bubbles, the appearance of pustules and weeping surfaces, the formation of scabs. Any form of eczema can be accompanied by severe itching, weight loss, and fevers.
Step 3
The causes of eczema can be roughly divided into external and internal. Internal ones include unbalanced nutrition, obesity, chronic diseases, old age, hereditary predisposition, and digestive problems. External irritants can be insect bites, frequent washing, or, conversely, insufficient care of the cat's skin, mechanical damage.
Step 4
Try to balance your pet's diet. If necessary, reduce the consumption of meat, increase the proportion of plant and dairy products. Introduce multivitamins into your diet.
Step 5
Treatment for eczema includes both general and topical therapy. At the first sign of eczema, it is recommended to give the animal an antihistamine, such as tavegil or diphenhydramine. In general therapy, sedatives are usually used - caffeine, bromine, or others. To accelerate the withdrawal of toxic products, urotropine and furosemide are used. If an association of eczema with other diseases is identified, it is necessary to simultaneously treat them.
Step 6
Before applying medicated ointments or solutions, you must carefully remove hair from the affected skin. Treat the surface with 70% alcohol. It is highly discouraged to use water when cleaning the skin.
Step 7
If crusts have already appeared on your skin, gently treat them with hydrogen peroxide and remove with tweezers. In severe cases, salicylic ointment should be applied. As an antiseptic, you can use tincture of iodine, ethyl alcohol, tar, sulfaylamides, antibiotics. In some cases, it is recommended to use hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment.
Step 8
There are also "folk" methods of treating the disease. In case of "weeping" eczema, it is recommended to apply compresses from decoctions of oak bark, chamomile and mallow. To heal wounds, use aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil or vitamin A.