How To Happen Cats

How To Happen Cats
How To Happen Cats

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The adage “only cats will be born quickly” is indeed true. The pregnancy of a cat lasts only 9 weeks, and after a couple of months, the young mother can again be fertilized. By the way, on average, a cat at the age of 10-12 months is already completely ready for conception. If you mate earlier, this can negatively affect the health of your pet. The spine of a young cat is not yet strong enough, so an early pregnancy can make her disabled.

How to happen cats
How to happen cats


Step 1

Before mating, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian and check it for various diseases. It is also worth giving your pet all the necessary vaccinations: if you vaccinate during pregnancy, this can affect the embryos and lead to all sorts of anomalies. You also need to undergo treatment for worms, since these parasites can enter the body of unborn kittens.

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to bring a half-breed with a thoroughbred cat

Step 2

Next, the cat should be placed in a special cage or house where she will receive the cat. These actions should be performed only during estrus.

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how to bring an inexperienced cat and a cat

Step 3

It is better to let the boyfriend come to the cat for several days (while the estrus lasts), but not more often than 5 times a day.
