Wild Animals

How To Care For A York Puppy

How To Care For A York Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The main advantage of the Yorkshire Terrier is its coat. Even in a black, one-month-old puppy, it is difficult to know whether it will be a rare "blue" shade or "gold". However, the quality of the wool to the touch can tell a lot

Who Is Better: Toy Terrier Or Chihuahua?

Who Is Better: Toy Terrier Or Chihuahua?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds and look a little alike. Of course, each breed has its adherents and admirers, and asking the owners which breed they prefer is simply pointless. But if you just decided to get yourself a dog, you can make your choice impartially, based on the description of the breeds

How To Feed Huskies

How To Feed Huskies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Laika is a hunting dog breed. In order for her to be strong, enduring and in good physical shape, her diet must be special. On the hunt, a dog spends a lot of strength and energy. If the feeding ration is drawn up incorrectly, then she will not cope with increased loads

How To Care For A Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

How To Care For A Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A small and defenseless puppy is completely dependent on you. Its nutrition must be carefully monitored. The state of his health depends on how a Yorkie puppy eats, as well as on caring for him. Yorkie babies grow quickly, a puppy can gain 100 grams in weight in a week

Which Dog Looks Like A Teddy Bear

Which Dog Looks Like A Teddy Bear

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many users of the social network Facebook are familiar with a dog named Boo, which already has more than one and a half million friends around the world. Her photos in different moods in different outfits are constantly posted on the network by the hostess

How To Put The Ears Of A Doberman

How To Put The Ears Of A Doberman

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Doberman pinscher at the age of 2-3 months must undergo a set of preventive medical procedures. When buying such a puppy, you need to be sure that it is vaccinated, has cropped ears and a tail. Usually the tail does not cause any complaints from the buyer, but after cropping, the ears need to be correctly and competently set to give them the necessary shape

How To Feed A Toy Terrier

How To Feed A Toy Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many owners of toy terriers believe that they are doing the right thing, periodically adding to the diet of little pets all sorts of "sweets" from their table. However, this is a delusion, since fatty "human" food does not bode well for dogs, except for obesity and the development of all kinds of diseases

How To Wash A Dachshund

How To Wash A Dachshund

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dachshund is a cute and unpretentious dog. In order for her to be always in a good mood, the owner must adhere to standard hygiene rules. Washing a dachshund is easy. The main thing is that all the necessary tools are at hand. It is necessary Shampoo for dogs Soft and hard brush Instructions Step 1 Wash your dachshund no more than once every 3-4 months

How To Toilet Train A Pinscher

How To Toilet Train A Pinscher

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The process of training a puppy to the toilet should be known to any person who is going to bring a four-legged friend to his house. It is not at all difficult to accustom your baby to cleanliness, the main thing is to do it in the early stages of development and to treat your newly minted pet with understanding

How To Feed Chow Chow

How To Feed Chow Chow

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the oldest dog breeds, the Chow Chow, was bred in China. Its distinctive feature is its thick coat and blue tongue. This dog gets along well in a city apartment and in a country house, it is very clean and practically does not bark. The only drawback of this breed is allergy to some foodstuffs, therefore proper nutrition for the Chow Chow is a guarantee of health

How To Train A Russian Hound

How To Train A Russian Hound

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The task of the hound is to find and raise the beast, and then chase it with a voice. To do this, the dog must have certain hunting qualities, most of which are innate and develop in the course of the race. So how do you train a hound? Instructions Step 1 Start training a hound at the age of 9-10 months

How To Wean A Dachshund To Gnaw Everything

How To Wean A Dachshund To Gnaw Everything

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Quite often, owners of dachshunds complain about their pets. Left at home alone, the puppy chews on shoes, furniture, tears off wallpaper, etc. In a word, it "comes off" as soon as it can. The punishment does not work, hooliganism continues

Toy Terrier: History Of The Breed

Toy Terrier: History Of The Breed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Toy Terriers are one of the most popular breeds. They are tiny and feel great even in a small apartment. And their cute appearance makes dogs a favorite of children. Breed: Toy Terrier Today there are two varieties of toy terriers - English and Russian

How To Train A Shar Pei

How To Train A Shar Pei

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Chinese Shar Pei is a breed of dog that attracts attention with its exotic appearance, which is characterized by a large number of folds on the muzzle, as well as the interesting shape of the muzzle itself. This breed perfectly takes root in city apartments and in private houses

How To Train A Spitz

How To Train A Spitz

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Japanese Spitz is a small dog with rather fluffy fur. This is a very active, agile and cheerful animal. In order for the Japanese Spitz to look neat and well-groomed, it must be combed every day. And basically, it will not be difficult to keep a dog of such a breed, since it is by nature neat and tidy

How To Train A Caucasian Shepherd

How To Train A Caucasian Shepherd

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Before a person starts this breed of dogs, it is necessary to think carefully whether he will be able to cope with training on his own, whether he has the strength, ability and desire to do so. The thing is that this breed of dog is distinguished by its special viciousness and alert behavior

How To Clean The Ears Of A Toy Terrier

How To Clean The Ears Of A Toy Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ear cleaning is a must for dogs. In this case, it is very important to follow certain rules in order not to damage their pet. Of course, you can always contact a qualified veterinarian, but using the following tips, you can perform this procedure yourself

How To Put Ears On A Yorkshire Terrier

How To Put Ears On A Yorkshire Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

By accepted standards, the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier should be triangular in shape and must be standing. The ears will take the correct position when the baby teeth change. To do this, you need to monitor the nutrition of the puppy so that he receives a sufficient amount of calcium

How To Toilet Train Your Dachshund Puppy

How To Toilet Train Your Dachshund Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Taming your puppy to the toilet is the most important step in parenting at home. In order for your little dachshund to learn this as quickly as possible, you need to follow a few simple rules. Instructions Step 1 Until the puppy is vaccinated, he cannot go outside

Dwarf Dobermans: Breed Features, Care

Dwarf Dobermans: Breed Features, Care

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The dwarf Doberman (miniature pinscher) was bred in Germany in the 15th century. Dogs of this breed accompanied carriages and stagecoaches, hunted for mice and rats, guarded houses and barked loudly when thieves appeared. Nowadays, pinschers are also popular, but they live in apartments and are considered family dogs

What Kind Of Dog To Get For Hunting Wild Boar

What Kind Of Dog To Get For Hunting Wild Boar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Today, hunting is not a vital necessity for obtaining food, but rather a sport, hobby, entertainment and a kind of rest for men. But without a four-legged friend, she will not be so successful and interesting, so it is important to get a dog of the right breed

How To Toilet Train A Toy

How To Toilet Train A Toy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A toy terrier puppy appeared in the house - a small adorable dog. Until all the necessary vaccinations have been made, it is not recommended to walk with him on the street. If you want to keep the apartment clean and tidy during this period, it is quite possible to accustom the toy to the litter box

How To Bring Up A Shar Pei

How To Bring Up A Shar Pei

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Shar Pei are patient dogs, but a bit stubborn. Therefore, the owner of this dog must have a lot of patience in order to provide proper care for the Shar-Pei and bring up a wonderful dog in all respects. But education is not training, but the rules of behavior of the dog and … the owner in relation to it

How To Train Your Chihuahua To Use The Litter Box

How To Train Your Chihuahua To Use The Litter Box

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Walking a Chihuahua baby on the street is not very convenient. In the cold season, he can catch a cold, and in order to avoid this, he has to be dressed. It is very easy to train your puppy to the litter box, because they are smart, like most dogs, and also quick-witted

How To Raise A Shar Pei Puppy

How To Raise A Shar Pei Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Chinese Shar Pei is an excellent friend and companion, devoted to the owner and loving all members of his family. He is friends with children and pets, quickly learns to order, he can be kept in city apartments. In addition, the Shar Pei has a peculiar and very original appearance that distinguishes him from a series of dogs on any site

How To Feed A Shar Pei

How To Feed A Shar Pei

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Some Sharpei owners complain that their animal is clumsy and clearly overweight, smells bad and looks unkempt. To get rid of such problems, you just need to establish nutrition - to feed the Shar Pei correctly and fully. Instructions Step 1 Feed the animal twice a day

How Much Should An Alabai Puppy Weigh

How Much Should An Alabai Puppy Weigh

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Alabai is a fairly large dog. Adult Alabai can weigh over 70 kilograms. For three-month-old Alabai puppies there is no weight norm - some puppies at this age can weigh 6 kilograms, others more than 20. Alabai is an indigenous breed of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs

What Are The Types Of Yorkies

What Are The Types Of Yorkies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A breed of dog called "Yorkshire Terrier" appeared more than a hundred years ago as a result of crossing Manchester and Skye terriers. Their homeland is the English county of Yorkshire, where, as a result of long-term selection, scientists have bred a miniature dog named after its place of birth

How To Raise A Chihuahua

How To Raise A Chihuahua

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Chihuahua is a small lap dog that looks more like a toy. But this should not mislead you - like any dog, a Chihuahua needs training. Proper upbringing of a dog is, first of all, its safety and your peace of mind. And you need to start it from the first day, when this funny, cheerful lump of energy appears in your house

How To Raise A Labrador Puppy

How To Raise A Labrador Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Labradors are one of the most common dog breeds, as their representatives are not only smart and active, but also have a balanced temperament. However, in order for all the positive qualities to be fully developed, Labradors need proper education

How To Find Out The Breed Of A Dog

How To Find Out The Breed Of A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

When a person acquires a puppy with correctly executed documents, usually there are no problems with determining the breed. But in many cases, a dog gets into the house of its owners by accident, after buying it in the market, by an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet, or it was simply found on the street

How To Toilet Train A Dachshund

How To Toilet Train A Dachshund

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

All dogs sooner or later learn not to spoil in the house where they live. But the dachshund is a special dog. The dachshund puppy has a very stubborn personality that is not easy to overcome. That is why the dachshund can make puddles in the middle of the room as if nothing had happened

How Much Is A Malamute Puppy

How Much Is A Malamute Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Recently, dogs of such breeds as Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky are gaining more and more popularity. Prices for these puppies remain quite high - this is how breeders try to preserve the breeding fund for further breeding, as well as find owners for puppies who can provide them with proper conditions

How To Raise A Toy Terrier

How To Raise A Toy Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Toy Terriers are at the peak of their popularity today. These cute little dogs sit quietly in the arms of their glamorous housewives, do not bark or go to the toilet in public places. Immediately you would not think that serious education is behind such behavior of the dog

What Breed Of Dog Is Best For A Home With Children

What Breed Of Dog Is Best For A Home With Children

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Children often ask to give them a four-legged friend, and many parents agree, because taking care of a puppy teaches the baby to be responsible and caring. But not every dog is suitable for a home with children. Your future pet should be active enough to enjoy playing ball and catching with your child, but at the same time patiently and resignedly endure attempts to pull on his ears or tail

How To Wean A Toy Terrier From Biting

How To Wean A Toy Terrier From Biting

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Toy Terriers are small dogs, which are distinguished by high mobility and the ability to bite. Their owners often complain that during the game their hands are severely bitten by the sharp teeth of their favorites. Many attribute this to the characteristic features of the breed, but in fact, it is quite possible to wean a toy terrier from biting hands

How To Name A Toy Terrier Puppy

How To Name A Toy Terrier Puppy

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Since it is difficult to keep large dogs in the apartment, representatives of small breeds are especially popular with the townspeople. These include toy terriers. Despite the fact that the word "toy" is translated from English as "

How To Wash Yorkies

How To Wash Yorkies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Small, funny Yorkshire terriers have recently become very popular. Under the influence of fashion, many have chosen these dogs as pets - and have not regretted it. This is a wonderful cheerful friend who, despite his miniature size, successfully copes with the task of guarding the house, notifying the arrival of guests with a sonorous bark

How To Get A Yorkshire Terrier

How To Get A Yorkshire Terrier

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If the choice has settled on a Yorkshire Terrier, then you should know something about the peculiarities of the breed of this dog. Think ahead about the possibility of proper maintenance and care. Buying a puppy is a joyful and painstaking business, and quite expensive

How To Feed Yorkshire Terriers

How To Feed Yorkshire Terriers

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Yorkshire Terrier is a miniature dog weighing less than 4 kilograms. Despite their toy size, these are real terriers - active, playful, brave and affectionate. Yorkies also have excellent health, if you properly care for them and observe a special feeding regimen, then the pet will live for a long time, retaining liveliness and interest in life