How To Feed A Toy Terrier

How To Feed A Toy Terrier
How To Feed A Toy Terrier

Many owners of toy terriers believe that they are doing the right thing, periodically adding to the diet of little pets all sorts of "sweets" from their table. However, this is a delusion, since fatty "human" food does not bode well for dogs, except for obesity and the development of all kinds of diseases.

Toy Terrier
Toy Terrier

A dog should eat only those foods that do not harm its health - this is the basic rule that every owner of a toy terrier or dog of any other breed should heed. It should be remembered that the "human" diet is based on fatty foods and if you periodically feed it to your four-legged friend, in the future this can lead to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs of the animal.

What you need and what you can't feed a toy terrier

Representatives of some dog breeds (including toy terriers) are very prone to obesity, so no veterinarian in the world will advise feeding such animals with fatty foods. A simple rule to remember: you cannot feed dogs pork and lamb, but you can and should - beef, chicken and turkey meat. Beef should be given to the dog raw, moreover, starting from the earliest age of the animal, and it is still better to boil poultry meat for an hour or two over low heat.

In addition to meat, you can safely include various by-products in the dog's diet: lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach. With regards to the beef stomach (popularly this yummy is called a tripe), we can say that this offal is the most useful and nutritious for a dog, since it contains a huge amount of useful substances. It is worth feeding the dog with a scar once and the love for this dish will remain with him for life.

Beef liver is also extremely useful for dogs, however, it should be added to the diet no more than twice a week, since if used frequently, this product can cause food disorders in the animal: diarrhea, constipation and vomiting. The liver, like other offal, must be boiled before feeding.

What besides meat?

In addition to meat and offal, a toy terrier dog can be given sea fish, every three days you can delight your pet with a boiled chicken egg (preferably only yolk). The diet should also contain cereals: millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. It is not recommended to feed the dog with barley, as it is very "heavy" for the dog's stomach. Sometimes the dog may have stomach problems when feeding the dog rice porridge, but this is very rare.

Fresh vegetables are also very useful for the growth and development of the dog's body. A special emphasis should be placed on the word "fresh" here, since the most useful are only those vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment. It is recommended to include carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini in the dog's diet. Sometimes unsalted tomato juice can be given to your four-legged friend - this is an excellent remedy for cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar.
